Sawasdee ka....warm greetings from Bangkok, Thailand! This is where I currently live with my husband and our 11 yr old female Yorkie. When I was 40, I went to art school in Singapore and quit after the 2nd year, majored in printmaking. The tuition fees were crippling! Besides, I discovered YouTube and there was no more sleeping after that! hahaha. I was teaching myself watercolor (which they didn't teach in Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore because it was more on contemporary methods) . In 2012, we moved to Shanghai and the following year, I had a go on oil painting at a place called "Sip n Paint". They provided everything except the canvas and drinks. I loooooved the smell of oil paint and I haven't stopped since. I enjoy plein air painting as well
I would like to thank Richard Robinson for this site and all the rest who are in this "home". Looking forward to all your lovely work and for selflessly sharing tips and techniques! I hope my contributions here will also inspire you all!
Attached is my first oil painting done in Shanghai in 2013.
Lori C.H. (#artlava)
I've never been to Thailand, but China yes. I think this really does take me there. My experience of Shanghai was Pudong Airport and a drenching wet city centre. We asked to go to the old quarter and found new looking old shops with plastic signs everywhere, if you see what I mean.
Hi there Lori,
I too am new to this artist community and am really getting a lot from it. Your painting is charming and i really feel the warm yellow glow. Good on you for teaching yourself watercolour, I too am self taught and understand the struggles learning on your own. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Cheers and much blessing
HI Lisa. Thanks soooooo much for your complements, such encouragement! Your work is splendid! So much detail! I admire your patience & perseverance....I need a lot of that!!!! hahahahaa
Lisa Sherratt said:
Hi there Lori,
I too am new to this artist community and am really getting a lot from it. Your painting is charming and i really feel the warm yellow glow. Good on you for teaching yourself watercolour, I too am self taught and understand the struggles learning on your own. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Cheers and much blessing
Hi Mike. Sorry to hear that you didn't have a picturesque tour of Shanghai....I never ran out of places to photograph when we were living there! So much to paint!!!! The parks are beautiful all year round!!! Great for plein air! The old townhomes and mansions are charming among the tree-lined streets...I could go in Bangkok I need to go out of town or temples to paint...definitely not as green as Shanghai but at least I can open all my art-related websites and blogs (most are blocked in China)....oh well...somethings gotta give!
Mike Fone said:
I've never been to Thailand, but China yes. I think this really does take me there. My experience of Shanghai was Pudong Airport and a drenching wet city centre. We asked to go to the old quarter and found new looking old shops with plastic signs everywhere, if you see what I mean.
We just didn't know our way around. My wife comes from Nanning and that's where we spent most of our time. It is a beautiful city.
Ah yesssssss.....That's Fuzhou Lu, quite a walk from the Bund....but pretty sights along the way: art deco buildings. Nice rain photo of you and your wife on the Bund facing the 'ugly-modern' side....hahaahhaa.
Hi Lori, if you'd like to look at my Hi intro thread you'll see one of our studio wedding photos. My wife had the dress hand tailored.
I was going to post a Shanghai pic facing the other way, but guess you know it well enough anyway.
Hi Lori i also am a painter from New Jersey i was looking at your painting it is very good but i want to ask you a question did you ever try Chinese brush painting?I am a Chinese brush painter and you can take a look at some of my work i just joined this group i think you would like doing it,its all done on rice paper and water color i think you can do a lot of more movement with your brush to show your true spirit when you paint you live in a great place to do that that type of painting outside so let me know what you think if you have any qustions you can always ask me have a great ,
Robert Santee.
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