I realized that one of the joys of painting is to re-state what you personally see God creating around you and then you also become "a creator" too. The lake near us has some amazing clusters of water lilies....

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Magnificent painting.   God is  great and your are a wonderful testimony, thank you........: ))

Oh, Dorian, if only we could all achieve reaching His goal for us. I am in the process of down loading paintings and my jewelry onto a FB web type page. What a job, and then today a painting sold; so I want to get this busy-ness done and paint so badly! Hope that you are at it! :)

Not visited this site for a long time, but WOW, again another beautiful piece from your hands. I always look forward with pleasure to your art! :)

Henk, thanks so much. Need to get going on some painting again...

Yes, and I have to pick up the thread again. For a long time I've done not much to my painting but as of 1 February next back to work again with the workshops of Richard.

I love this

Thanks, Rama, I have not been on here lately and need to make some posts! :)

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