
I am Sergei from Sydney, Australia (Seven Hills if someone lives close enough).

I was born and lived until 1991 in the former USSR where I attended a part-time art school as a teenager. But having chosen a different career I stopped painting and only resumed three years ago. In these last three years I studied part-time at two art schools here in Sydney and also attended a figure painting workshop at Angel's Art Academy in Florence. All this was nearly exceptionally related to the indirect painting method as I love the Renaissance art above all and aspire to become one day an accomplished painter of that style. This is a very ambitious goal, I know, and will take a lot of learning. When it comes to alla prima painting I am as much as a beginner and this was the reason why I decided to join The Complete Artist. I believe that to become a master one should be able to paint in different ways even if personal preferences might lie elsewhere. So, I am eager to learn but also to share my technical knowledge I have so far accumulated from dozens of good teachers, workshops, blogs, books etc. I spend as probably more time learning about theories, techniques and methods than as actually painting which, I know, should be the other way around.

I do not even try to actively sell my artwork unless someone asks to buy. So far I sold only my charcoal and chalk drawings made on gessoed panels. These turned out to be quite popular among friends. I believe that I am still not good enough in any style of painting though because the quality of my work has not yet reached the standard I set for myself. Therefore I keep a full-time job which allows to pay for high-quality materials, mortgage for a house with an art studio, workshops with established masters and occasional trips abroad to visit galleries. With such a busy schedule and time-consuming character of the indirect painting methods where a painting sometimes takes months to be completed I do not have a big amount of finished works ready for sale anyway. So I thought learning the alla prima methods which allow producing a painting within a few days or even hours might help me both to learn new skills and quicken the progress to the point where I could start selling my artwork on a regular basis.

If there only were a special lottery for artists where every ticket is a big winner!

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Hi Sergei,

Glad you joined the site. I see you are in Richards "Workshop Study".  Thanks for sharing your skills. Love your work!

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