Great tool to assist to find the exact colours/values in your photos using online resource

This is a colour site, which breaks down the colours in a photograph, and gives you colour palettes accordingly. Great tool following on from Richard's latest workshops.

Superb online tool to assist with variations in values/colours. Just upload your image and select any area in your photograph and you will be able to see immediately the value/colour of that area, either very minute, larger, or step by step across a sky/sea/tree for example.

Picks up all different shades, values, variations etc


Note: if above link does not work try this one (different page on their site)

How to use:

Use magnifying glass to select popular, latest etc
select picture, for example click on the dinghy photo showing on the home page
it opens in a new window
next click on the 'edit' wording on right
another picture will come up and you can see all the colours on the right hand side in the picture
now hover your mouse over the picture and a little box shows each area you are hovering over, so you can see all the values/colours in your image
You can enlarge picture by zooming in using one of the enlarge buttons on top right of image
then can drag picture up and down and around to zoom in on different areas but little colour boxes of areas may disappear
If this happens, then all you need to do is click (dble click?) with mouse it will then enable the little colour swatches again
Click on any area of colour you wish and box will show on image and also appear in the big circles above image so you can then see the colours/values you wish to see.

All you need to do is join, upload your image and can do the same to your image.

Would be really good to hear back on anyone trying this out. 

Hope of assistance and can be used.


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Hope you have enjoyed using this Idan.  Quite useful.  So good to read colour coming naturally - this does happen. j

Idan Solomon said:

Jen, Thank you so much for this great tool !!! actually, I have used similar idea using SKETCHBOOK PRO application by AUTODESK, but the link you published is much more comfortable. I wish there was software that could do that without depending on the web. I discovered that using this method helps very much to learn about colors and it really goes with ROBINSON's method for matching colors. In time, I found out that matching the right color comes naturally without using the software. HUGE THANKS AGAIN FOR FINDING THIS PAGE !!! Idan Solomon. Israel.

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