Living on the beautiful North Coast of NSW, I recently began to paint for therapy, having only ever painted walls, doors and ceilings! I am pleasantly surprised how it has easily replaced my quilting hobby of many years and at the sane time, I am trying not to feel intimidated by the experienced members!

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WELCOME BARB     There are some really  nice people on here  I live in central Oregon ...I had not painted in over 30 years and started again this past  winter   I forgot how  relaxing it is and how much fun .
Hello, thanks for the welcome, how long have you been painting? As you see I am a real newbie but I will have a go at the first workshop if I can.

Iwan Warega said:
Hello Barb, and welcome.

Hi Barb, Thank you too for your welcome. As I have said I am starting completely fresh having only done 9-10 paintings that suit my taste in the past couple of years. It will be interesting to see how I can extend myself away from detail, that having been part of my life, all of my life! I shall stay with acrylics as I only have a limited time during the day to 'play' with my paints and brushes and will try to improve techniques and learn what the brushes are and the best way they can be used. I've watched quite a few DVD's and there are so many different tastes and techniques aren't there. I had considered going to a local art class but I have reasons for not attending so it is DIY for me.

I guess I've come to the conclusion one has to paint to satisfy one's soul and what feels right, and also to learn how others deal with various aspects of what one 'sees'.

I do find Richard using the Notan technique very interesting and had never heard of it before.  It raises quite a few questions for photos that really have no light or dark definition other than sky and grass, in quilting terms, we would say they are all medium colours!! So I guess this is where 'artist's licence' is used to put in the extra stuff.

I expect this is a public domain so I am really leaving myself open to all sorts of comments which I don't normally do, so will stop at this point.


Barbara Sawyer said:

WELCOME BARB     There are some really  nice people on here  I live in central Oregon ...I had not painted in over 30 years and started again this past  winter   I forgot how  relaxing it is and how much fun .

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