Well I´ve finished some oil paintings and I´ve tried to varnish with a material that is used to varnish wood, I guees that I´ve made a mistake and even damaged the painting! mmm but I do not want to do it anymore so I need your help about it.

What´s the ideal method to varnish a work? How much time does it takes in order to be able to varnish it? which varnish is better to be used?

one of the problems that I found is that the vanish seems tro dry by layers, so is lefting behind a lot of patches, and spots...

Thank you, probably with your help me and other will not destroy the paintings anymore!

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Hello Juan Jose.

Here are some YouTube an Tutorial  links to watch. They are from the artist paint manufacturer Winsor and Newton, so you can trust what they say. They will teach you how to varnish your oil painting properly.



Good luck, and I hope your paintings are okay.

Juan, sounds like you got hold of some varnish that is lacquer based. That is what ate up the oil painting. Lacquer thinner is very strong but good for cleaning the dried paint from a glass pallet.

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