Mastering Color

Anything to do with the Mastering Color course goes here. Post your images up or ask questions - anything!
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    Deborah Mongato

    Hi.  I am new to this site.  I haven't joined any classes yet.  Just wondering from the responses if Richard actually has anything to do with this site anymore, or if it is just maintained by other people.  Thanks.

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    Kelvin Black

    I wonder the same thing Deborah.

    I recently bought a couple of download videos, but was only sent a link to one of them.

    I tried the supplied phone number (I live in NZ anyway so not a huge phone bill for that) and left a message for Richard...but no reply.

    I then sent an email and was answered a couple of days later by someone else entirely (sorry, but have deleted that email so can't confirm the actual name).

    I did get the link to my videos though.

    Maybe Richard doesn't bother with this forum anymore?

    Edit: found it...reply to email sent by

    Samuel Earp
    Chief Happiness Officer

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    Dipali Deshpande

    Hi Richard, I am unable to download Gamut masking tool. Please focus on how to download. Thanks.