Jendrawan Husada


Bekasi, West Java


Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Somewhat loose,somewhat tight, still finding my way
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
My main medium is watercolor, but I have tried Watercolor pencil, Oil, Acrylics, Pastel, and graphite.
Are you a full time artist?
Some Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Alvaro Castagnet, Joseph Szbukvich
Do you have any goals for your painting?
I picked up painting in Feb 2010 starting with watercolors, my main objective is perfecting technique and finding my own style.

Comment Wall:

  • mario alberto velazquez

    one of my favorites in watercolor is precisely Alvaro castagnet and Joseph z..Masters of modern watercolor ]!!!

  • Pamela Meredith

    thank you Jen for your comment on cable car much appreciated 

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Jen, your watercolors are impressive with great compositions, strong value structures and vivid color. You have found your medium and style with your engaging watercolor street scenes. If I could paint this well in watercolors (I can't), I would be quite delighted. Thank you for your compliments on my paintings and for sharing your work on this site. Stu
  • Linda L. Kano

    I've requested to be your artist friend.  Hope you accept!

  • mario alberto velazquez

    Hi Jen, in watercolor are my favorites,I could not paint like them,,I,ll keep trying !! greetings

  • Linda L. Kano

    Yes, someday I want to give watercolors a try.  Got to conquer oil painting much to learn.  We don't have a lot of watercolor painters on this site so I'm glad you've joined our workshops!

  • Michael J. Severin

    Hi Jen.  Yes, I know what you refer too!!!!   and please call me Michael.  I am sitting here looking at your paintings scroll across the screen ....just beautiful!!!

  • Ningning Li

    Jen, Thank you! You are very good artiist. There are som many things I can learn from you. So happy that you are being with us.

  • Michael Chomse

    It's good to make contact with other artists on this site. I really like your work. I remember someone saying that we often struggle getting our values right because our darks aren't dark enough. So true. I struggle with that too. And looking around here, maybe we should invite some of the others over to the "dark side" :-)

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Thanks for the info, Jen.  Your watercolor work is just fabulous in my opinion.  I mainly work in oils and have never tried to master watercolors, so my infrequent attempts are usually frustrating.  I really like your compositions and the tonality of your paintings.   Stu