Lori Ippolito


Nutley, NJ

United States

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Please note that I really do check your answers to these questions. If you don't complete them then I won't allow you access to the painting group. This is necessary to stop spammers and scammers. Okay?
How would you categorize your painting style?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
oils, graphite
Are you a full time artist?
Some Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Do you have any goals for your painting?
learn about composition, color temperature..develop my skills, have fun!!
What's your website address? (If any)

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  • mario alberto velazquez

    I ám happy to have artist like you..I  hope to learn from you as well as for the other fellow....

  • Silvana M Albano

    Lori! I enormously appreciate the time you are taking for commenting! It is soooo useful! Thank you again! I seriously take all the comments and I immediately want to improve my work! It's a pleasure to receive suggestions from someone who paints as you do!

  • Jon Main

    Thanks for the info, Lori. Actually, I live here in Provence - so I know the lavender fields! Nice painting - well done!

  • Karlo Bonacic

    Thank You Lori !

  • Joe La Bianca

    thx Lori, Great to be friends. :)

  • Dorothy Debney

    Lori          - thank you for your encouraging comments.. Looking at your gallery, you are an AWESOME painter, I just love your sunset and still life.  Dorothy

  • Dorian Aronson

     Lavender is my favorite color, so of course I loved yours!  Smiles coming your way! :))


  • deb hill

    I am sure that I would hardly recognize anything in Ridgewood. I moved from there over 50 years ago and once visited when our kids were small, maybe 30 years ago. Might be fun to visit again.

  • Lyndon Baxter

    My pleasure Lori, how long have you been painting?

  • Lucy Tyson

    Thanks for the welcome, it's nice to hear from someone that's new. Lucy
  • Jon Main

    You're welcome, Lori! - lots of nice "energy" in the cliffs! (and you're lucky - some hot tips from Michael J Severin) Well done!

  • Roena King

    Lori, I looked here on TCA and could not find this months workshop.  Where did you find it?

  • Silvana M Albano

    Lori! I liked your idea of placing the oils with water! do you place them in thefridge or freezer? I'll have to look for an appropriate jar, with a wide mouth!

  • Silvana M Albano

    Thanks Lori! But, do you place the jars in the fridge or freezer afterwards? Or does the water alone preserve the oils?

  • Donna Spears Lauzon

    Thats so nice of you. Thank you !

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Lori, thanks. We have chatted so much that I thought we were friends as well. I am most pleased to be your friend; I really like your work, and I love your "can do" positive attitude and the energy you put into your paintings. Stu
  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Lori, I juist got that app and have not really used it.  I also have value viewer (advertised in plein air magazine).  I have used value viewer and it helps with the block in.  Check out Michael Severin's 4 value sketch for Linda Kano's barn.  He posted it earlier today: that'w what we should all be doing.  I am lazy and print it out from my photo reference and clean it up with a Tombow pen.  I've attached a photo of my 3 value cleaned up printout that I used for my workshop submission "Loving the Fog".  You can see my grid marks and marks to put on my canvas.  Below it is my photo reference.


  • Sharon Repple

    Lori, I've been out of town visiting newest grandbaby so I've been unable to thank you for your special comments on my paintings. Thank you for taking the time to look at them in full size. 

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Happy to help; your enthusiasm and "can do" attitude are refreshing. Your friends will be very pleased. Stu
  • Roena King

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my White Sands en plein air painting, Lori.  My brothers thought it looked like the ocean.  LOL 

  • Roena King

    Thank you Lori.  I believe the Fire in the Sky Alla Prima is better now too.  Many thanks. 

  • Roena King

    (Fire in the Sky canyon) Good point Lori.  I did put deep blue in the part of the canyon that was going down, but perhaps I need to remove the "sticking up in the center things" so the canyon would appear wider, darker and deeper.  I will see if anyone else makes comment before I change.  Maybe Stu or Michael.  

  • Mary Wykes

    I loved it that you said, "the clouds are dancing" - cause as I was adding the pinks and oranges, I was literally saying to myself, "dance up into the sky!"

  • Donna Spears Lauzon

    Appreciate that. Art is the joy and therapy that gives me the strength I need at times. Thank you for caring.

  • Silvana M Albano

    Thanks for your friend request and words Lori. It`s a pleasure to accept.

  • Kenneth Brant

    Thank you Lori. I'm hoping to improve my painting with Richards help. So far, I really like what I see. I checked out your web site as well. Beautiful work.
  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Lori, I don't remember posting anything about mounting canvas on panels here, but I could have and just can't find it. Let me tell you what I have been doing for several years now: I either cut my own panels from hardboard or 1/4 inch birch plywood (I have a tablesaw) or buy precut hardboard panels (usually Ampersand and usually 1/8 inch tempered hardboard-Masonite); I use Golden's soft body acrylic gel and apply it evenly and thinly with a 2 inch spatula to the board; I then center the canvas and roll it to even out the adhesive with a rubber brayer; I put wax paper on top of the canvas followed by another panel and clamp all around the edges of the two panels with little spring clamps (Home Depot or Kohl's); I then set the panels on a couple of books and put some more books on top to apply some pressure; last, I trim the edges of the canvas. I buy canvas in pads from Jerry's Arterama; I will often paint on the canvas first and then mount it; this won't come out well if you have impasto in your paintings. Alternative adhesives are Elmer's glue, Yes! Paste adhesive (wheat paste), Miracle Muck (fabric adhesive) and bookbinder's pH neutral adhesive. Any adhesive needs to be pH neutral or it will eventually destroy the Cotten or linen fibers in the canvas. If you have high humidity, you should probably avoid Elmer's and wheat paste. I know a lot of artists who swear by Miracle Muck, but I have no experience with it. Hope this is what you were looking for. Stu
  • Gina Dalkin-Davis

    Hi Lori thanks for contacting me. I'd love to do a slice ...how do I claim nor?
  • Ningning Li

    Lori, thank you. As I am not profesional painter and do not produce a lot, I did not do any marketing. Sometimes people  like to buy my painting , as I do not know how much I should ask for, they offer me a price, usurally around$100,200,300 for the size around 30cmx40cm to 5ocmx60cm. That $1,500 sales is an exceptional case. It was about 110cmx90cm, a big one. The buyer was an art collecter, he might have some reason to do so which I do not know. Anyway, I know that I improved a lot but still amatural. I should pay more atention of keep on learning instead of selling.But on the other hand, as I do not have a place to keep my paintings, I was very happy when people pay me and help me to keep them in their home. Lol.  Painting is so enjoyable and challenging! I wish I had more time to do it. Lori, I love your work. They are so beautiful and profesional. And more, I love your attitude and emotional feelings which showed in every piece of your wonderful work. Happy painting as Richard always says.

  • Robin Sage

    Thank you for your friendship too Lori. We are coming into winter here in NZ so hopefully will be able to participate more.
  • Ningning Li

    Lori, thanks. You are a very good artist now. I am so happy that you joined VAA. I joined it thanks to Richard. Let's keep on learnning and improving. Waiting to see more beautiful works from you. Happy painting! 

  • Anja

    Thank you Lori. Much appreciated.

  • Linda L. Kano

    Thank you Lori for your words of sympathy.  He was a great Dad.  3 weeks ago my daughter and I flew to Michigan to see him, something for which I'll always be grateful.

  • Anja

    Thank you Lori

  • Hyun(Jane) kim

    Of course, Lori! I was  happy for your successful first plein air painting.

     I should say same thing back to you " Thank you so much" for your encouraging comments"

  • Hyun(Jane) kim

    Thank you Lori!! I'm so glad you liked the trees painting.

    I like trees, especially tree's characters: humble , quiet, tolerant yet keeping their own

    identities. I learn something from trees, so that's why I love to paint trees.

    Often I even feel like trees have "souls' :) Thanks a lot. sincerely Jane

  • Sandi Lear

    Hi Lori - thanks tons - sorry it's been a while, have been at ArtEscape in Cairns painting with Greg Allen, exhausted!

  • Jessica Futerman

    Thanks Lori for the congratulations!  Hope you will join the coming workshop too! I've missed the camaraderie painting in the group!

  • Steinunn Einarsdottir

    Thank you for your comment Lori, luckily I am right handed so have of course been painting, just have to post it.

  • Glenys Jones

    thank you Lori for your kind comments.

    how do I enable a comment? technically challenged i'm afraid, but several people have mentioned it!!  I'm not sure how to activate it.

    my computer won't allow my profile photograph  either


  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Thanks Lori. I'm still around but haven't been doing the monthly challenges since early this year. I've been busy painting outdoors. I've had quite a few visitors to my show, but no sales yet. It's up for another couple of weeks, and I've got a holiday gift show with 7 other artists in the same place weekend after next; I will have smaller works, greeting cards and some deeply discounted plein air studies for sale and this might generate some sales of work in my show. Then the next weekend, again at the same place, there's a reception for a juried show they hung last week with one of my paintings in it. The week after that there's a fund raising holiday gala at the hospital that I work and I have donated a dozen plein air paintings to the hospital foundation. So somewhere along the way some of my paintings will find new homes and I will have some new collectors. I'm pretty pleased with all that, but since it's really about the journey, I have really been enjoying all the plein air painting and love that practice may not make perfect but it sure brings improvement. Thanks for asking about me. Stu
  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Thanks again Lori. I hope you are right, but we'll see. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family as well. I loved your recent still life and all the detail you put into it. I'm afraid I'm not patient enough to use the old masters' techniques. Over the past year and a half I have gotten my alla prima technique to finally come around and find it very comfortable.
  • Roena King

    Thanks Lori for your comments on my drawings.  You're the best. 

  • Candi Hogan

    Thanks Lori!  So excited that I found this art community!

  • Richard Robinson

    :-) thanks Lori.
  • Manneherrin

    Thank you Lori.Im super nervous!

  • Ningning Li

    Lori, It is very kind of you to care about me. Thank you so much. 

  • Roena King

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my painting A Pond Full of Water Lilies.  I really had a lot of fun painting this way......mostly because I was in control of the edges! 

  • Silke Sauritz

    Hey Lori, yes, I thought, why not ask :-)

  • Roberto Rosman

    My pleasure Lori.