Richard Robinson



New Zealand

Profile Information:

Please note that I really do check your answers to these questions. If you don't complete them then I won't allow you access to the painting group. This is necessary to stop spammers and scammers. Okay?
How would you categorize your painting style?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Full Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Sargeant & Sorolla (& Quang Ho)
Do you have any goals for your painting?
To get better and better. To create a masterpiece.
What's your website address? (If any)

Comment Wall:

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  • Nancy Sands

    Hi Richard,
    This is such an interesting workshop. I have never glazed, probably because I didn't know how. I am loving your always. I was wondering what brand of paint you use. My Ultramarine Blue, even with white added, never looks like yours. Also, I love the short handled brushes you use (not the one you used to lay in the first pass). What are they?
    Thank you.
    Nancy Sands
  • Jim Delk

    Hi Richard.  Just back from San Francisco.  The America's Cup has just gone too long for me to stay.  Met many great Kiwi's and almost always mentioned you and your work.  Unfortunately most had not heard of your work so I always promptly introduced them to your web site on my cell phone.  All were impressed so I hope you get some new customers soon.  Regards, Jim Delk

  • Maria Plezbert


    Your last paintings have been awesome!  Such beauty!

    I have not received anything from you, and I am thinking you may not have noticed my change of address.  A little "j" has been added in front of the old address.  I hope you have not eliminated me from all privileges because I have not submitted paintings.  Only one, way back!  I would very much like to read your critiques.  Possible?  I still have one workshop left, as I paid for three.   Thanks,  Maria Plezbert


    Maria Plezbert

  • Christine Kirton

    Red Ribbon
  • Roena King

    Congratulations Richard!  Pretty soon the entire world will know about you. (If they dont already. LOL) Roena

    This was on last week.

    2. The Complete Artist

    The Complete Artist is another art site where artists can post their work and receive critiques from fellow artists. It’s similar to Facebook in that you can add friends, post your photo and see their profiles, but the similarity ends there. . . the content is strictly about art, plus they have some tutorials and videos from the head of the site: painter, teacher and author Richard Robinson.

    This site is free as well, and you start off by registering with a username and password. Make friends, share your work, get feedback, and if you’d like, you can even sign up and get free lessons, tips and techniques from Richard himself in your email inbox.

  • Anna Stenier-Karadjova

    Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.
    May you have a wonderful and productive New Years! :-)) Anna

  • Wendy Proffitt

    Is The Project Full?
  • Walda Juhl

    Richard, i understood all of the critique Workshop28 except; what is a calligraphic approach to the fence. Can you explain? Thank you, WALDA
  • Pauline Le Merle

    Hi Richard, how wonderful to see my sunset painting in the AA. Thank you so much....

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Richard, I didn't think that you were on my friend list on this site, but I see that you are; maybe it happened through Facebook.   Anyway, I am happy to be more active on TCA and like what you are doing with your lessons and with the group project and getting artists into major art publications like IA and AA.   Kudos to you.    Stu

  • Silvana M Albano

    Congratulations Richard in being part of 'Master Secrets Summit' !!! Bet I'll be there! I have already reserved my seat :) !!!!! 

  • Thomas wezwick

    Hi Richard.....Thanks...I have to say, your work shows that you are  the consummate professional...Your work is stellar........but , you are probably pretty aware of that...Warm Regards....Tom 

  • Donald Fowler

    Hi Richard,

    Your web site needs a little work. When I came into the Complete Artist, Group Painting, I found the slice I was assigned was 26. When I looked it up, it did not agree with the partial picture at the bottom of the site, and the slice was already done, not based on number, but on picture. Thus, I have no idea what you want, and I can not do it at this time.


  • Lori Ippolito

    Hey Richard,

    Just got word Cathy Dillinger isn't able to do her slice..if it's up for grabs I'd love the chance to do it!

  • Lori Ippolito

    and this is why I never played BINGO Richard!!!

  • Sharon Casavant

    Do you want me to start on 28?

  • Robin Sage

    Richard - just watched your interview with Kathryn Lloyd - it was great! I am sure a lot of people will be inspired and encouraged when they hear it. Proud to be a fellow kiwi.
  • Silvana M Albano

    Wonderful interview! 

  • Roena King

    I saw your interview with Kathryn Lloyd.  It was most enjoyable and made me like you even more than I already do.  You are a nice guy Richard!  I am so proud of  you and your well deserved success. I am so pleased to know you. Roena

  • Sharon Casavant

    Where do I find the interview?  btw, Richard, now that I see both photos of my slice together , I think the one closest to my original is GP Hats. 

  • Lori Ippolito

    I thoroughly enjoyed the interview and put up a note on my page with the link!! Your statements about having the confidence to charge a decent amount really hit home!! My background was actually pretty DIScouraging re art and unfortunately ( well, not..I do love my work and believe it was all in the plan) I just got back to art in the last few years.. Your workshops are a great learning tool and the community you created here couldn't be more supportive!! Thanks so much for sharing your journey and providing an avenue for growth:)
  • Nancy Sands

    I just completed the first block study for Workshop 31.  Richard, I have to tell you how much I appreciate this particular lesson.  I always wondered how artists achieved that layered effect with color.  I thought it was exclusively through glazing, but you have showed us exactly how it is done.  Obviously, it's not  a simple process.  There are so many decisions to be made.  One you always decide on the colors to use by selecting colors right next to the foundation color, or do you at times skip around the color wheel?

  • Maria Plezbert

    Enjoyed your interview, and of course it was the first one I saw/listened too.  The cup of coffee took a long time to be served... did you drink all of it?  Anyway, your interview was so natural, I think the real you.  I guess a lot of your students are SO interested in you; I love it when you show your wife too.  Is she a painter?  Is Kathryn a painter?  But most of all I am impatient to receive my sunset DVD  that I ordered.  It promises to be SENSATIONAL!  I intend to paint a LARGE sunset for my studio wall; I love sunsets so much it makes me cry.  Another beautiful day slowly never return.  SAD!...but glorious.

  • steve

    Hi Richard..just beware there are trolls using this page. See a message here that I received and do not expect on your site. Regards Steve Guthrie

    My name is Mary zamba,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address ( )
    I believe we can move from here!I am waiting for your mail to my email address above Mary
    (Remember the distance or color does not matter but love matters a lot in life)
    please contact me here ( )

  • Walda Juhl

    Hi, Richard, I can't wait to receive Southern Light! Address following
    Walda Juhl
    580 W. Munger Rd.
    Munger, MI 48747
  • Ana Murza

    Hi Richard,

    I like to let you know that I received "First to Fall" painting. It's absolutely fabulous! I am so happy! I've hung it up in my "studio" and I keep looking at it. I still have to come to terms that I have one of your originals. Thank you very much! I can not wait to share with my family my excitement, is going to be a long wait, it's only 8.30 am and they are all gone to work till late in the afternoon.

    Thank you very, very much!

    Kind regards for you and your family!


  • Beverly Alldridge

    Have I missed the final assembly by Richard of our group composition? If so, can someone kindly point me in the right direction?
    many thanks


  • Lynn Darby

    I am disappointed. I signed up for Workshop 35, my first. I thought that membership would cover everything related to Workshop 35, critiques, winners, whatever. But now the month is over I can access nothing. For shame!

  • Lynn Darby

    Really hate that you are feeling under the weather. Feel better soon.

    Just to be clear for whenever you are up to it... my issue was that I got a message saying my time had expired, when I only wanted to see stuff related to what I'd paid for.

    Take your time and take care of yourself.


  • Ningning Li

    Richard, Congratulations for your new TV show. It is very interesting. Your sense of humor made me laughing. Thanks for your tips. You told us before but I have to be reminded to do it when I paint. Wonderful show. I am so proud of my teacher.

  • Nancy

    HI Richard, excellent video with 'Colour In Your Life', bravo! When I visit your websites (other than this one) they come up blank and say "forbidden" (yikes :-)) Any thoughts? Really, if you say your websites are all okay, then I'll know its a glitch some where out in the digital ether. For example, is website okay? Thanks, Nancy

  • Birdie

    What happened to being able to purchase 3 months of workshops at a time?

  • Roena King

    Richard I just got your e-mail about a question that Abbey wrote to you concerning "infused light".  On one of my sunset paintings I discovered WN Transparent White in safflower oil.  I used it for the very thin wispy clouds at the top of the painting. When you mix the transparent white with other colors it causes the other colors to lighten and become more transparent. I really enjoy it a lot. 

  • debbie piro

    Just because I was thinking you, I will get back to painting soon, keep up the good work, Debbie Piro
  • Lori Ippolito

    Saw the post about the group project..not on FB so will say thanks here, for the opportunity to take part in such a great project. Wishing congrats to you & all who participated, as well as all who will hopefully benefit from this endeavor!
  • Rhonda Mann

    Hi Richard 

    I love the boat painting.  I am very drawn to pics with barns, animals, boats etc.. Don't get me wrong your landscapes are amazing but I like something in them. Like that pic you did with the volkswagon van and store and surfer.    Do you have any lessons or anything that will help me paint something along those lines.  Beautiful!! 

  • Ana Murza

    Christmas%20Cards%20%284%29.JPGMerry Christmas! and a successful and prosperous new year for you and your family.

    Please accept a hand made card ( made by me).

    Happy New Year!

  • Sharon Casavant

    Hi Richard, was wondering if there is going to be a Workshop 40 for January and what is the theme about?  Maybe you will change from scenery to a different subject such as animals,etc...??

  • Sharon Casavant

    Oh, I love the one I am missing this month, it's not too late to join, right?  I love perspective.  But looking forward to something different as well, thanks for all your hard work!

  • Sharon Casavant

    Richard, an honest question.. you have over 700 members, but why can we only see a small handful of artists?  How do you keep up with so many?   Maybe they don't all paint?

  • Lori Ippolito

    Thank you for the DVDS!! I received them today and am looking forward to jumping in and learning more! The lessons are really sinking in and I am so grateful to you for providing this venue! Happy painting:))
  • Ningning Li

    Hi, Richard, Just for your information, about my problem of that I do not receive any emails from the Complete Artist, I found all the emails were in the Spam. I do not know why this happened. And I have to figure out how to stop them go to Spam.  

    At the same time, I hope that if other students have the same problem of can not see the emails from this web, It is good idea first check our Spam. Just in case it is not the problem of the web but our own problems. 

    Richard, thank you again for trying to help me.

  • Rhonda Mann

    Hi Richard.  Trying to wing your workshop in San Francisco.  Hope to see you there.  I was wondering if I could go back and look at previous workshops and join and do them?  I was sure I found it once and I think it was like 10 dollars.  But can't figure out how to find it????  Also,  bought the paints you suggested but having some problems.  Could you e-mail me or get back to me so we can have a private talk about them.... 

  • Lori Ippolito

    Happy Birthday to Danielle!! Hope it was fun & this begins a wonderful year in her life:)
  • Ningning Li

    Richard, just read your email about your trip to U.S. Congratulations to you for won the Excelency. You ARE excelent artist. What make me more excited is that you got inspired by the trip and will show us the new ideas. I can not wait to see it. 

  • Jan Duarte

    Happy birthday, Richard! Have a lovely day!

  • Mireille Fournier

    Thank you so much Richard for you awesome welcome, This great fun cant wait to do the next workshop.

    Best wishes,


  • Tammy Wolcott

    Hi Richard,  

    You probably already know all this, but I got this very good article on copyright free photos in my in-box from Art Tutor.  Here is the link:

    I don't know how to share it on this website but I think lots of the members would be interested.  



  • Roena King

    Hi Richard.  Thank you for taking the time to leave me such a nice comment on my painting, The Fall Stream.  It means a lot to me that  you would do this.  Roena

  • Roena King

    Thank you Richard. Yes always exciting to sell something you work so hard on and actually get to meet the person who bought it. When the gallery sells you never meet the person.