Christine Lewis


Juneau, AK

United States

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
I like to paint realisticly, but am trying to loosen it up a bit. I like the idea of more suggestive painting.
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Some Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
always drawn to John Singer Sargent,
not sure I can pick a second, there are so many.
Do you have any goals for your painting?
I would love to paint full time and feel like I was actually learning a lot.

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  • Robyn (Ro) Lovelock

    Thank you Christine. A great pleasure to be friends. I'm so pleased you're planning on using my photos. I look forward to seeing them. Ro x

  • Olivia O'Carra

    Thank you Christine for your encouaging comments on my paintings :-)

  • Thomas wezwick

    Hi Christine....My computer is not letting me reply to your I have to answer it here...sorry.....I use yellow green//////cad orange......cad yellow light.....ultramarine blue....quin red or alizarin red.....and naphthol red-light...permelba white...Thanks , And its been great seeing your new work !!! Tom