



Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Still waiting for my style to arrive
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Oils pastels
Are you a full time artist?
Some Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Dbg Goodwin. Marina abramovic
Do you have any goals for your painting?
To win a competition or 6

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  • Isabel Heller

    Hello Siobhan thank you for your friend request I would love to accept.  Heller is not such a common name so it will be fun to find out if we share a family. My husband, Tony has a first cousin living in Melbourne, Marion. Tony has not been in touch with Marion so does not know her surname now, she would be In her 80's. Was your Grandfather Harold Heller who lived in London and emigrated to Melbourne? Grandmother Mary was born in Hull, Yorkshire and lived in Balham, London. 

  • Isabel Heller

    Hello again Siobhan will try and make this clearer! My husband is Anthony Heller, His father was Leo and Leo's brother was Harold who lived in Balham South London and emigrated to Australia in the year of my husband's birth 1926.

  • Isabel Heller

    Hello Siobhan, thank you for message re your family, Tony says he is sad you are not cousins! Interesting similarities but different families, it was fun to compare notes. Looking forwards to the next workshop, see you there.