I just finished this small painting of a Bernese mountain dog a few days ago. It's a male, created from a composite of several dogs. I'll be doing more berners in the future from photos being submitted to me by a person who shows her berners here in the US.

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Comment by Dottie Dracos on June 16, 2011 at 23:44
Hi, Jeffrey.  I just haven't done all the research yet.  From what I was told, it's doable, but I do have to do my homework first.  There are so many questions, such as whether I price items in US dollars or Euros or Kroners (Kroners are doubtful because the country is so tiny).  How I'm paid is another question I have to address.  I want to be sure to get the best exchange rate, of course.  Well, the list goes on and on.  And, yes, I'll definitely check with local galleries and cafes as soon as I get my artwork shipment for the US.  - Dottie
Comment by Jeffery Doherty on June 16, 2011 at 23:16

Good luck with the on-line sales. Can't you keep selling the way you have been (you would need to add a postage charge of course)

You might be able to find some galleries or cafe's localy who would display your work. I hope you pick up the language quickly.

Comment by Dottie Dracos on June 16, 2011 at 2:25
Thanks so much, Rubs and Jeffery.  I really appreciate your comments on my berner painting.  Sorry I'm so late to respond, but I  just completed a really big move,from the USA to Denmark.  Now I'm just trying to figure out how to keep selling my artwork online (I hardly have a clue about the Danish language yet and don't know how/where to sell online now that I am out of the USA, where it was relatively easy to do.  Oh, well, I'll keep on trying. . .
Comment by Jeffery Doherty on May 29, 2011 at 22:06
This is such a nice painting. Grteat fur texture and so much expression on the dog's face.
Comment by Ruby on May 27, 2011 at 18:48

Very lovely.

Comment by Dottie Dracos on April 3, 2011 at 1:45

Thanks so much, Peter.  It's not so much that I paint dogs because I love them; it's what pays my bills, whether I want to paint dogs or not.  Honestly, I've painted enough dogs, and I'm tired of doing them!  I would rather be painting landscapes, but it's really difficult to switch mid-stream into another subject matter.  I occasionally take the time away from my regular work (painting dogs) to practice a landscape or two, but I don't feel confident enough yet to let anyone see them.  Someday . . .


By the way, I like your idea of capturing images from films to paint.  I work as much as I can from my own photo images, but this idea gives me access to many images I might never see myself.  Thanks for the idea. 


I like your artwork, too.  I just briefly glanced at what you have uploaded, and you seem to have a firm grasp of portraiture.  And I especially like the leaf with the water droplets on it - beautiful!

Comment by Angeline Rijkeboer on April 1, 2011 at 12:40
Thank you too, Dottie.
Comment by Dottie Dracos on April 1, 2011 at 12:38
Thank you so much, Angeline.  I love your painting, too.  And I looked at your other work; it's great!  I especially like your bird paintings. 
Comment by Angeline Rijkeboer on April 1, 2011 at 11:29

Beautiful portrait. I used to have Bernese dogs twice, but unfortunately they died at the age of 6 and 5 years.

I made a portrait of one of them too, toghether with my other little dog, who is now 15 years old.

I still love these beautiful dogs and I think you captured the dog very well.


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