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Comment by Sharon Casavant on June 21, 2012 at 22:47

Thanks Rita, I had that same thought to do 2!  I woke up early enough but need to go get some exercise first, then jump right in!  I will have to check out yours, too!  I have to finish today because I will be gone friday.  (strawberry picking :)

Comment by Riya on June 21, 2012 at 17:33

I know you have little time left for your final painting for the workshop, but why don't make both?
One to use for the workshop and the other just for fun. I know you're great at painting natural and I like that natural colourstudie, so use that for the final. And after that have your fun and take your time with one of these colourful studies. I'm curious to see how your painting looks in the first colours, your study looks already beautiful.

Comment by Sharon Casavant on June 21, 2012 at 11:41

Thanks, Rita!  I'm deciding which one to use for my final painting... this or the more natural look.

Comment by Riya on June 21, 2012 at 10:53

Sharon, I like your colour studies, I just love these red/orange and pink colours.


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