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How would you categorize your painting style?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
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Some Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Richard Robinson
Oleg Buiko
Do you have any goals for your painting?
Bővíteni akarom tudásomat ,festészeti technikákat tanulni,és jobban megismerni a szín harmóniát.Fő célom,hogy fotó után festményt készítsek de ne legyen fotó szerű.Látványban és érzelemben kitudjam fejezni magam a vásznon.
Ko"szo"no"m sze'pe'n, te is egy naugyon jo' muve'sz vagy.
Hi Erzse'bet, I do not know Hungarian but I asked a friend of mine who knows your language to right the above sentence. I like your work, you are a very talented artist.
Many years ago I had a short visit in Budapest, went on a lovely tour (it was excellent) presented by a former school teacher. Then I took a taxi ride out into the country and had a wonderful home style meal. Of course had no idea what I was ordering but it was delicious.
Congratulations and welcome to The Complete Artist. We are happy you have joined us. We are a fun friendly group of artists, beginners to advanced. Richard is a very special artist and teacher. This site is enormous, please look around, click links, click tabs and see where they take you and read. You will be amazed and it will also teach you how to maneuver these pages. Happy Learning and Painting. I am sending you Smiles :)
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Thank you very much Vaskóné Gálfi. I am so happy to be your artist friend. Smiles for you :-) Dorian
Ko"szo"no"m sze'pe'n, te is egy naugyon jo' muve'sz vagy.
Hi Erzse'bet, I do not know Hungarian but I asked a friend of mine who knows your language to right the above sentence. I like your work, you are a very talented artist.
Many years ago I had a short visit in Budapest, went on a lovely tour (it was excellent) presented by a former school teacher. Then I took a taxi ride out into the country and had a wonderful home style meal. Of course had no idea what I was ordering but it was delicious.
Thank You and Smiles :)
Hello Vaskóné,
Congratulations and welcome to The Complete Artist. We are happy you have joined us. We are a fun friendly group of artists, beginners to advanced. Richard is a very special artist and teacher. This site is enormous, please look around, click links, click tabs and see where they take you and read. You will be amazed and it will also teach you how to maneuver these pages. Happy Learning and Painting. I am sending you Smiles :)