Hi Richard, I enjoyed your post on this subject. The thing is, I have a lot of passion when it comes to painting; love the act of painting. But what to do with all these canvases? That is the hard part! I don't know what percentage of time you put into marketing, but the idea of that seems to take the wind out of my sails.. I am not sure how much time I want to spend marketing my work so it doesn't stack up in my garage. Any ideas about this dilemma ?

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Comment by Carolyn Brunsdon on December 28, 2013 at 15:53

Hello Connie, thought I would tell you how I'm dealing with the no-space/storage issue. I've purchased a roll of double-primed cotton duck (soon some linen) and have cut it into the sizes I paint or practice on most frequently. I've added 1 to 1 1/2 inches all around Takes very little space to store, either painted or not. To paint, I tape it to a foam core board and once completed for drying I remove it from the foam core, hang it up using hangers with clips and then layer it with glassine to store. To sell, gift or display, it can be mounted (glued) on panels or stretchers. I'm sure you could remove your existing stretched paintings and store the same way for the future. A side benefit for me, is I can toss it, whereas if I've got a lot of money invested, I hesitate.

I'm in the process of moving from a large house to what will be pretty small living/storage quarters. This idea came from reading about how different plein air painters handle their work while out of the country or away from their studio. Hope this helps. Happy painting! Cull some, store some, donate some to charity events, gift some but DON'T STOP PAINTING!! lol


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