"Spring, Yosemite" 22x22" Oil in Canvas

Our first day painting in Yosemite today and I spent about 6 hours on this one battling it out as the light changed completely. We're all so awestruck with the beauty at every turn that it's difficult not only to choose a subject, but to bare in mind that a great scene does not necessarily make a great painting. Back to it tomorrow.

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Comment by Donna Spears Lauzon on July 5, 2013 at 7:41

I am awestruck by your painting...took my breath away. 

Comment by Ann Turner on April 25, 2013 at 16:41

Hi Richard, Love the feeling of energy that you put into this Yosemite painting. The angle of the mountains make them seem to rise up out of the stream. You have captured the strength Yosemite. Have a safe trip home and remember northern CA fondly. HAPPY PAINTING Ann

Comment by Stephen Rice on April 23, 2013 at 0:05

Richard, thank you for this wonderful painting; it brings back memories of my stay in Yosemite; I remember well the changing light and the magic of the place.  You are fotunate to be there before the enslaught of tourists...Savor your time.  Happy painting for the remainder of your trip.....Maybe you can create a DVD of your California experience.....Best Wishes, Stephen.

Comment by Jeri McDonald on April 22, 2013 at 9:45
Lovely piece! Reminds me of where I live here in the northern most part of California's coast. My home actually borders the Jedidiah State Park. Wow would I love to have you come here and paint with us in the Redwoods Richard! Such beauty you have never seen! We have a small art gallery called "Crescent City Harbor Gallery". I tell them all the time how much I adore your work and the dvd's I bought from you.
Comment by George on April 22, 2013 at 5:22

Spectaculare mountain picks and cristal cleen water stream. This is oane of my favorite landscape scene. Beautiful piece of art! Light and shadows playing the silente music of nature. I can heare it and hate you being there.............

Comment by Caroline Lee King on April 21, 2013 at 6:39

My husband and I took our children to all the National Parks in California two years ago---what an experience! California has 8 of them, but Yosemite was our favorite; an amazingly awesome place. I've often tried to capture it in paintings since from my photos....not so sure it is possible. How do you do such large paintings and keep them safe during your travels? We live here in the states and I have not yet tried to paint during our travels--just photos. You seem to capture a place well--hard to do as you travel quickly from place to place ;)

Comment by Dorian Aronson on April 21, 2013 at 3:59

Comment by Marina Laliberte on April 20, 2013 at 13:30

Really beautiful - feels very majestic.

Comment by Vladimir Gmyria on April 20, 2013 at 8:43

Thanks a lot.Very beautiful place.I am glad for you.


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