Still Life Painting - Quang Ho inspired

Oil on canvas - 12x13"

The block-in.

The set-up.

Very happy with this right now - turned out better than I thought it would. I planned to complete this in 5 hours, but it ended up taking 3 days. Had Quang Ho's "Painting the Still-Life" dvd playing in the background the whole time - keeping me company and feeding me good instruction. I doubt whether I would have achieved this painting without his guidance. Just been down to the opshop and bought a bag of goodies to continue practicing on - little bowls and vases and different fabrics - could just go down there and paint the shop it's such an amazing jumble of old odds and ends. I've noticed I'm seeing the landscape differently now too - ideas spilling over from this 3 day study.

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Comment by Richard Robinson on September 2, 2009 at 9:02
:-) Thanks.
Comment by Amy Hinson on September 2, 2009 at 2:11
you packed a whole lot of beautiful into three days
Comment by Richard Robinson on August 28, 2009 at 8:03
Thanks Amy - you're absolutely right about the leaves too - the problem was it took me 3 days to paint so buy the time I got around to the leaves they were all dried up! I could have used the photograph to help but my goal was really to just learn from what I was seeing. Maybe next time I'll be faster, or throw in some fresh leaves when I'm ready for them.
Comment by Amy Hinson on August 28, 2009 at 0:55
I envy the loose, free brush strokes and this is a very nice color play on the still life... moody background and the bright fresh citrus- fantastic!... My only wish is that the leaves looked more lively and a little less withered as they are an extension of that very fresh fruit... but hey! What do I know? I am definitely in the ignorance is bliss category that Degas spoke of.
Comment by Richard Robinson on July 3, 2009 at 8:31
:-) I think it was Degas who said painting is easy when you don't know how and really hard when you do.
Comment by on July 3, 2009 at 7:47
Nice to see you do a still life. Better yet that you struggle with it. :) From your vids, painting looked too easy for you. haha. Looking forward to more.


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