Began to  oil paint  like 60 years ago when I was given a paint by number kit for Christmas.  I was born in New Jersey.

Got tired of it quickly and turned the cardboard over and painted my first picture.  I had so much fun, I still remember the picture I painted. 

Grew up, married and move to Louisiana and finally to Fort Walton Beach, Florida.  It is there  I  finally took some group oil painting lessons from  Hope Marie McCall. She told me   that  I was good with color.  Tearfully, I had to move away from Florida.  I move to the  Mississippi Gulf Coast and took some group lessons there.  Some of my first paintings are hung in my daughter's home.

Then I bought a computer.  So I gave up painting completely because I was computer addicted and self taught. So I  decided to  build a web site.  Back then I hand coded it the old fashion way.   I am still computer addicted.

About two years ago I found Richard on line and joined The Complete Artist and ordered 4 Masterclass disks and painted a painting.  

I have two grand-children and two great grand-childern.  I am living in the Florida Destin area and so happy to be back.

Only recently have I  become active and  started painting.......dor :))  1/23/12

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Hi Dorian -

Glad you're here.  It seems there's a ton on inspiration and knowledge floating around.


Hello Cathy

Thank you for commenting.  I hope that osmosis is at work!.....Smiles to you. . .


Smiles back at you too.  I am a frustrated learner.  And, I am hoping to learn more.  It will be wonderful when we all start to share our paintings, good or not so good,.  I thin this is when Richard will also know that we're all connected, in some way..shape or form.

Dorian, I love your spirit and passion for painting! It's great seeing you around here :D

Hi Timothy

Thank you very much.  I see your name around here all over the place.   I have noticed that you are so kind and loving to all, you do your very best to encourage everyone.  That tells me about your character............ I am very happy to have met you......Best wishes to you and smiles coming your way.  Happy Painting...........  dor:)) 
Timothy Luk said:

Dorian, I love your spirit and passion for painting! It's great seeing you around here :D

I love your story, Dor - LOVE it that even as a child you were not content to paint by number! 

Hi Mary I just read your message.  Thank you for writing to me.  I am going looking for you right now.

Smiles coming your way......: ))

Mary Wykes said:

I love your story, Dor - LOVE it that even as a child you were not content to paint by number! 

What I love best about your story is that even as a child you knew you could do art YOUR way - and turned that canvas over and did your own thing.  Awesome! 

LOoking forward to getting to know you as we continue our artistic journey.

Thank you Mary. You however are so much further ahead in the path I will have to run very fast to catch up...............

Smiles : ))  

Mary Wykes said:

What I love best about your story is that even as a child you knew you could do art YOUR way - and turned that canvas over and did your own thing.  Awesome! 

LOoking forward to getting to know you as we continue our artistic journey.

Dor,  I had never looked at your history before.  You really have had quite a journey both physically and in painting.  So glad you are back where you love to live, and so glad you picked up that paint brush again and found Richard.  That teacher was right, you are extremely good with color.  I always love seeing what you do with every assignment, and am always delighted.  Your paintings are so light and bright, just like you are. 

I don't wander around this site very often, and thought I would check up on some of my favorite artists. 

Smiles to you....  :-)

Hi Nancy, thank you so much your lovely comments.  You just put a huge smile on my face!  I wish  I  had more  time to look around  and read the history of others. It is a struggle everyday to make time to make others feel good.  You sure have done it. Smiles returning to you................ 

Nancy Sands said:

Dor,  I had never looked at your history before.  You really have had quite a journey both physically and in painting.  So glad you are back where you love to live, and so glad you picked up that paint brush again and found Richard.  That teacher was right, you are extremely good with color.  I always love seeing what you do with every assignment, and am always delighted.  Your paintings are so light and bright, just like you are. 

I don't wander around this site very often, and thought I would check up on some of my favorite artists. 

Smiles to you....  :-)

It was fun reading your history. I'm glad for this chance to meet some other artists online. I found Richard online also, and ordered his sunset DVD's. It's been fun learning acrylics after being a watercolorist. Looking forward to seeing you here again.

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