I have been painting less than a year now, and I am wanting to kick up my work to where I feel it has the "wow" factor. I have been learning on the Internet, but hope to take a workshop this Fall.. In my work I would like to loosen up the style a lot....l like Richards plain air fruit still life very much.

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I have similar goals to you...I render well and can paint a photo well...I think, but I'm duplicating too much...I want to loosen up more. Richard has done some painterly things, but I'd like to see more....to go beneath the scene and express what I feel...not just waht the photo shows. Does that make sense?
But, I really don't know how to do that yet.
Any ideas?
Hi Ken, it is wonderful that you can paint realism to the point of duplicating. It seems a good point to move from! I am not the person to ask for advice since I only started painting a few months ago. For me, softening edges will help.
I would look at the works of David Cheifitz, Leffel, and the like for ideas and inspiration. And there are many wonderful artists on this site you might turn to.
How,s it going, Ken. I thought about you while I was watching an online video, I will try to trace back and find out which one it was. but it spoke about painterly style. Ah! Scott Naismith! It really made a difference. Hope it helps.

Thanks...I'll google Naismith and see if I can find the video...if you have the link, please send it to me.


All the best...happy painting

I have been following Naismith since you told me...and wow...we has mucho vivid colors. Did you see his video on the Color Wheel? It's a little out there....blue is not a primary color, etc. is beyond my imagination, but so be it. I love his loose style, but those swipes are well thought out. I need to watch more of his YouTube videos. Appreciate you telling me about Naismith.
He is a character! Glad you found it useful!
Hi Phyllis..just saw this discussion and must say you have quite a talent! Your still life set ups are fantastic..something artists painting years & years struggle with. You do a fine job expressing with your paints:) I'm excited to see where you'll go from here:) all the best to you & happy new year!!

THank you so much Lori!  I've been working at it since March, but I have about 15 paintings done. They have become better one by one. I looked at every painting lesson online each morning at breakfast., including the Draw Mix Paint one. It means a lot to get your detailed feedback. I don't have a painting community other than this one, but I did just get into a juried show at the New Mexico Art League! That was encouraging and exciting! Everything is on hold now for the holidays! Can't wait for things to calm down!

Your still life paintings are really good, Phyllis! I am impressed that you have progressed that much in such a short period of time. Congrats!
Thank you very much! I am learning so much, and studying the artists here and on the internet! It is just wonderful, I can't believe it took me so long to start painting!

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