Hello everyone! I am new to the site and also new to painting. I thought it would be interesting, fun, educational and maybe even inspirational to ask you guys if you might be willing to post your very first painting here. Or, the earliest painting you have a photo of. I've attached my first attempt. It's acrylic on 18x24 strtched canvas and was completed a little less than a year ago. Way before I realized just how much there is to learn! I've kept a few paintings over the last year to help me gauge progress. Most of them, however, made their way into the trash bin. :-). I hope some of you are willing to post some photos and maybe share a little of your painting journey.

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I just figured out how to embed the image rather than attaching it.  Well, that works much better.  (laffin at myself)



Welcome Julia

I am so glad you have joined us! Keep painting you are very good.  For me it is much easier to embed or attach an image then it is to paint!  LOL...........: ))  

Keep Laffin Julia and you will become an accomplished artist in no time! LOL    Click on any members avatar  (face) and it will take you their "my page".  If you want a little of my history, click on my avatar...........smiles dor : )) 

Julia Childers said:

I just figured out how to embed the image rather than attaching it.  Well, that works much better.  (laffin at myself)



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