Stuart J. Gourlay


San Rafael, CA

United States

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Edward Hopper
John Singer Sargeant
Do you have any goals for your painting?
What's your website address? (If any)

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  • Terry Plett

    Hi Stuart,

    Thanks for your help.  I feel pretty lame when it comes to some of this stuff and I think I did see your previous post and I looked for it but couldn't find it.  I don't spend a lot of time on the site with work and all but I usually try to do my painting and check out others when I can.  Your work is very good.  I especially like the way you painted the mountain scene.  It's looks like you could just step into the water or walk along the banks.  I'm new at acrylics so I don't have a good handle on colors and the application.  In answer to your comment about my animals, they are done in colored pencil.  I love working with colored pencil but I really want to do better with acrylics.


    Thanks again for your help and your comments


  • susie gregory

    thanks stu!!  we're buddies now!!
  • hazel cronin

    hi Stuart - many thanks for the nice comments on my "peace comes dropping ... my computer skills are poor but I'm trying to improve!  The water running over pebbles in your picture is very good.  Hazel

  • Hazel Persson

    Thanks Stuart. I like the work you are putting up.

    I'm not a night owl but an early bird - the courses start at 5am here. 6am now we have daylight saving started. I haven't spotted you on Wet Canvas yet - what name do you go by.

  • Jane Albin

    Thanks Stuart.  I agree we do have a lot in common.  My husband is involved in music. He manages and plays with 'Billy Kelly and the Blah, Blah, Blahs'.  It's kids' music. Check it out on line at . Maybe your grandkids would like it. They are the perfect age for his music.   Thanks again for your comments. Jane

  • Nancy Sands

    Stu,  I am having so much trouble trying to find and to download Richard's final instructional video.  I see people commenting on it, but I can't seem to find it.  When I do, it request a $10 fee, but I am a paid member.  Do we now have to pay for the video even tho' we are members?  Any help you can give would really be appreciated.

  • Nancy Sands

    Thank you,Stu, for the suggestion that I wait for Richard's videos so that I may end up with all four. By the way, your two paintings are wonderful. Starbucks and the cafe look so inviting. You really are excellent at painting these types of scenes. I still remember your one of the farmers market. I am going to have to get brave and try to tackle a scene like that. It's the people in the scenes that hold me back. Thanks again for the friendship.
  • hazel cronin

    Thanks Stu for positive coment. I'm stil in a quandary about how to renew my subscription on  how to enter workshop 4. It doesn't make it clear on Robinson's home page. Maybe you can throw some light on it ! Hazel

  • Joseph Byrd (Joe)

    Thank you Stu, and thank you for your service to our country. I know you are proud of your son. I pray often for the men and women serving. I do love your work. They are so realistic. You have a special gift  in both your profession and your art. I look forward to working alongside you and learning from you.

    God bless you


  • Dorian Aronson

    Hello Stu

    I've  been busy painting pears. I have posted a few of them in an album.  I will need to paint many more before I can paint one in 10 minutes.  I have been looking for yours, where are they?

  • Ningning Li

    Staurt, I tried black grapes and know how to mix colours for them. I tried pupple redish ones in vain. The colours I used were wrong. I went to the countryside and just came back.Tomorrow I will continue try to find out the right colours. As for your comment about Chris's painting of roses, you mentioned "nagetive painting". What does negative painting mean?

  • Ningning Li

    Staurt, Thank you very much for your info. Tomorrow I will check that website.

  • Ningning Li

    Staurt, I got a book"Landscape painting  Inside & Out" written by Kevin Macpherson from North Light. It make me think of you as his style a similar  to yours and he does not use strong color like you. Just for your references.

  • Ningning Li

    Thank you too.

  • Rose Herczeg

    Your paintings are gorgeous, Stu! Very impressionistic and love the color palettes.. I can see Hopper's influence in your work. Your value studies are so wonderful as well, they look like paintings in themselves!

  • Ningning Li

    Staurt, how is going on there?  Are you working on Workshop6? I have a problem with my grapes, the colours are wrong. If I paint by my own way without showing brush strokes I know how to do it. But as I want to be a little bit impressionsitic , I choose a way I do not handle well, show the brush strokes. Today I managed to make them look almost like grapes. A big release. Hope you are ok for those grapes 

  • Ningning Li

    I hope you would not put too many things, especially those grapes. Old masters techniques need time  to paint and to dry before work on them again. Today is 16, you only have 6 days.Maybe , You use a fan to dry the paint, it will be quicker.

  • Ningning Li

    Good idea about drying matter. I will try your tech. next time. I just watched the demo video of workshop1 of Richard. Very good , I like it a lot, because it is in normal speed. I hope that Richard will do the demo video  in a normal natural speed for our later workshops. In this way I can know how he do those details. I could not see well how he did the different value and colors of individual grapes. What I saw was that they were there, done. I have big problems with  colours and values of the individual grapes this time. I managed to make them nearly like grapes.

  • Ningning Li

    Stuart, thank you for your help. Today, I uploaded mine. there are some small errors that I will correct later. Please let me know your opinion. I mean criticize me as a friend .  

  • Ningning Li

    I am amazed by your definite clean, strong but realistic colours. Your composition is interesting and well planedfor the colour harmony and contrast. I like your colour design of the background too. It firmly support  the objects in front of it and make them stand out. Just beautiful!!!  Difficult to pick up something I do not like. Maybe, if I were you, I would paint those grapes at back in the white bowl little bit more darker to make more obvious value differences or put the objects in different distance instead of on the same front line. Art is personal, Just take it as Li´s view.

  • Ningning Li

    Stuart, I uploaded my painting but unfinished. I made a mistake, paint it too small, so it is not easy to put on some details. The relationship is not correct either.  Just uploaded it for your curiosity, as I promised to you,  then I will take it off. I will finish it between the workshops. I think it is time for me to stop playing around and come back to school.

  • Emmanuelle Brown

    Tx for the great feedback and welcome!

  • Deborah Czernecky, SCA

    Thanks Stuart for your comments!  Looking forward to being part of the gang....  Yes, I have been very fortunate in travelling with my paint brushes.  In fact, I organize ptg trips for artists in Canada!  I'm organizing a 3 day ptg trip to Gabriola Island, BC in the Fall and at the beginning of Oct, a ptg trip to Quebec for the Fall Colours!  I figure it's more fun to go ptg with like minded artists!  Keep in Touch!  I'm also part owner of an Art Centre, check our web site out at:

  • Ruby

    Stuart I have discovered your art gallery and I must compliment you on marvelous, outstanding artwork.  Your whole portfolio is MAGNIFICANT and very pleasing to the eye. You are a a true artist. A Wonderful display indeed.

  • Ruby

    Thank you for the encouraging words Stuart and also your kind comment. I appreciate it very much.

  • Wanda Doyle

    Thank you for your encouragement, Stuart.  I've now loaded my photo and my painting, using this latest exercise.  I'm so happy to be part of the "group".

  • Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan

    Thank you Stu! I look forward to more discussions as well! So nice to meet you:)

  • Dorian Aronson

    Thank you for your encouragement Stu

    Do not know how that happened but it can't correct because other's have far more views than mine. smiles to you : ))

  • Dorian Aronson

    Congratulations Stu

    Your painting has the most votes for Workshop14.  You are a great artist. I know how hard you have worked for this recognition.  Be Happy! 


  • Michael J. Severin

    Hi Stu.  Regarding the painting:   "Lago Ti Tenno",  posted by Idan Soloman (now a friend). I assume that members post their paintings for a reason .... feed back you think that is correct?  I would like to suggest to Idan that he should concentrate on better shape making...he is obviously a beginner and I think would welcome any suggestions?  What is your thoughts? 

  • Þorgrímur Andri Einarsson

    Thank you for accepting my invitation Stu. I am happy to have found you here. And I reallly like your paintings. I also like how you are generous with your suggestions :) Hope to have many discussions with you.
  • Adriana Guidi

    Wow- I love your paintings Stuart! Yes I paint in water mixable oils-I tend to be a messy cleaning up with water is best for me...also  ..less fumes.I love  with oils,pastels,watercolors,acrylics and charcoal/graphite. Thank you for the friendship and lovely compliments!

  • Trevor Erskine

    Hi friend, got your photo, some site, modern technology is fantabulous!
  • deb hill

    Thanks for your kind comments. Very cool that You and Michael were able to paint together. The products were great. Over a year ago I did meet and have lunch with one of the girls that no longer posts. It was fun. I am always amazed with all the painting you are able to do. I look forward to getting at it again after being out of the country for 3 weeks. But have too much on hand now.

    My present challenge is an art crawl planned for this weekend. Suddenly, we were informed that we needed some very expensive "event" insurance. Well, if it isn't worked out, we will have to cancel and that makes me sick because of all the work those arts have done for this. Nothing came through today and I will get back on the phone tomorrow. This is the third crawl and the first I had ever head of "event" insurance.

    Right now sick about what I am hearing at the Boston Marathon. Heart breaking. "Event" insurance cannot stop this terrible sort of thing.


    Always looking forward to everyone's work. Blessings, Deb 

  • deb hill

    Also love the paintings by Jennifer McChristian. I had not seen her work before as far as I know.

  • deb hill

    Yes, that would be very cool for you to participate in one of Jennifer's seminars. I often wish more of her caliber artists would post on YouTube so that we could just watch how she goes at it. BUT I guess everyone is more in "the Business" too.

    I spent a little time this am, because of being up sooooo early with jetlag, looking at an online gallery out there in CA. What I would love the artists on this blog to know, if they don't know it already, is that many of the paintings are no better than many I see on the blog, and prices on this gallery were out of sight. I was kind of surprised actually. The work that you and Michael are doing esp. surpasses much of what I saw and maybe some of mine do as well. KUDOS! 

  • deb hill

    Just got some help yesterday with the marketing. You are so right. BUT it all takes lots of time....

  • Lori Ippolito

    Many thanks for your help & info Stu, as well as your comments on my artwork! I'm looking forward to learning from the members & challenges here!
  • Lori Ippolito

    Hi Stu..the boy in the portrait is from a photo by Ros Amorin on PMP..I added to the tags..when I uploaded I'd forgotten the photographers name & had to go back & research it!

    Have you been on paintmyphoto?  Wonderful photos to paint from with permission from the photographers..I'm not much of a photographer so it's been a great source of inspiration for me.

  • Lori Ippolito

    thanks very much Stu!! I've added the links on my photos to the PMP originals so you can find them easily!! I surely appreciate your encouragement!

  • Gina Dalkin-Davis

    Hi Stu, Congratulations to you, too. I love your paintings and always look out for something from you.  You are always diplomatic and tactful in your helpfulness whether a critique or guidance. I look forward to your friendship.  Gina Dalkin-Davis, Goderich, Ontario Canada

  • Michael Chomse

    Thanks, Stu, for the welcome. My painting can only get better as I'm still in the very early stages, although I feel I have a lifetime of observational experience to contribute. That's what happens when you set a career in art aside to pursue a career in film. :-) You probably feel the same way about pursuing medicine? Or have you been painting all the years?

    I will save some money and participate in one of Richard's Challenges soon. Thanks for your friendship here. I look forward to chatting with you from time to time.

  • Michael Chomse

    Stu, your story is really interesting. I think of how many talented people lose their initial passion when they take on another all-consuming task or profession. You were lucky to have an early start - wise parents to thank for that - and then you were wise enough to make the time to continue with your painting, however sporadically, over the years. I put my pencils down when I left university. I only realise now how much I missed it, and what joy their is in rediscovering this passion. I sense that both my years as a filmmaker will help, as you say, and the wisdom I have gained through age and experience will be seen in the paintings I do now. I pushed myself with a self-portrait a couple of weeks back, and I was amazed at how well it turned out. I only hope I can keep this momentum going, and I am sure that the input from the you and others on this site will help me reach the goals I have set for myself. 

  • Abdiel Rodriguez

    Wow Stu that was a fast reply, thanks! Sabana Grande is a town on the south west part of tha island. Luquillo (pronunciation would be like: loo-kee-jaw) is on the far north east, there is a beautiful beach there by the way. Thanks! If you get to visit Puerto Rico soon I would really recommend you some places to visit if wanting photos for tropical landscape reference or plein air painting :)

  • Jendrawan Husada

    Thank you for your comments on my Caleche painting Stu.  You have a wonderful gallery and your work in oil is excellent. San Pablo Bay, Turtle Beach and the Taco shop are my favorites.  The latter shows amazing detail.  I love watercolor for its easy set-up and clean up and because it allows me to do a piece in one sitting

    Patience is alas not one of my virtues.  I have dabbled in oil and do like the way it handles and (to me) its more forgiving nature :-). Cheers


  • mario alberto velazquez

    Stu thanks  for accepting, for me is a pleasure...

  • Jendrawan Husada

    Hi Stu,

    thanks for your encouragement on my portrait. all the white on the face were reserved. There was not much real white paper actually, in finishing I gave it a tint to reduce its "starkness, like in the sclerae (sometimes just "dirty water :-)).

    I used titanium white watercolorfor the highlights in the hair but the areas near the hairline were lifted.

    I do use gouache and at times (in seascapes) they work very well. I either use it wet in wet and let it diffuse or straight from the tube like for highlights if I want it to stay put :-)It's frowned upon by some but well,what the heck.

    With water media its a question of manipulating a pigment mixes' flow on a wet or dry surface and taking care it doesn't run away of its own (it has to follow hydromechanics) LOL. Cheers

  • Gina Dalkin-Davis

    Hi Stu,  On Workshop 24 and a bit discouraged so I checked in to see what you are doing.  Watching your posed photos is an inspiration because ...  my work is in the early stage and of course I am beating myself up because it looks "mushy".. but I see that you have posted a painting in progress from notan to initial grey scale to initial colours before the fine work.  This gives me inspiration to continue.  Thanks.  

  • Lori Ippolito

    Thanks Stu!! Likewise! I'm working on blocking in once again..I did a 3value photo of my work with a new app I have for the IPAD.."artists eye".. It's pretty good in that you can take any photo in your library and look at in from 2-5 values..I'm trying to be sure I don't make the same mistake again!!
    Fingers crossed!
  • Silvana M Albano

    Hi Stu! You have written somewhere in one of the paintings about a must have book, but I can't remember whose panting it was! If my brain doesn't disappoint me, it was about light and shadow in all possible situations... Could you please help me remember the author and book's name? Thank you!!!!