Ningning Li


Lima; Peru


Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
no specific style
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Some Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Van Gogh & Enrique Polanco
Do you have any goals for your painting?
Want to develop my own realistic, impressionist style
What's your website address? (If any)

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  • Alyson Walters

    It's beautiful Li, you are so lucky to live there! 
  • Joseph Byrd (Joe)

    Thank you Li, I'm joining just now.Thank you so much for info. I know I will need help and I will talk to you.

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Li, negative painting is where instead of painting the shape on top of the background, you actually paint the background around the shape.  It is frequently used in watercolors when you are reserving the white of the paper for your lights.  It is very useful in oil and acrylic painting as well to improve the abstract qualities of your shapes.  I will give you a reference that explains it better on the WetCanvas website.  Check out this site for a lot of other information on painting.  If you click on this you will get to it:  Hope this helps you.  Stu

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Li, I bought that book about 5 years ago and have made good use of it.  It is one of the classics for outdoor painters.   Another book you should check out is: "100 Solutions for Oil Painters" by Elizabeth Tolley.  I also bought her book about 5 years ago and took a workshop with her when I first started painting outdoors.  The book is very good with a lot of exercises in it.  She knows Kevin MacPherson very well and her style is quite similar.  You can get the book from NorthLight Books  and it is under $20 US.  Thanks.   Stu

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Li, I have not even started on workshop6.  I have a green pear and a several small white bowls and a white tea pot.  I need to buy some grapes.  To make grapes look realistic they are best done with multiple very thin and transparent layers of oils (like the old masters techniques) glazed over a white background.  I will try that technique for my grapes.  Some interesting paintings posted already.  Stu

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Li, I use alkyd medium with my oils. They are dry to paint over in 12 to 24 hours. I use Galkyd lite from Gamblin. I also use Gamblin's "Fastmatte" alkyd paints for my underpainting (they are dry to paint over in a few hour if applied thinly). And, if I really get pressed for time, I can do the underpainting or even the whole painting in acrylics. I am pretty flexible. Actually I plan to get it painted this weekend. I like to paint fast anyway. Stu
  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Li, I bought my grapes and pears; I'll do my setup and underpainting tomorrow and the final touches Monday ( Monday is a holiday in the US--Presidents' Day). So my painting should be posted on Tuesday. The grapes are from Chile; grape vines are just getting pruned here with leaves and buds appearing the next few months and harvest season in October (for wine grapes at least). I live about 20 miles from the Napa Valley (California's best known premium wine growing area. I look forward to seeing your painting. Stu
  • Alyson Walters

    I like your 'white jar and friends'! I feel quite inspired :-)
  • Alyson Walters

    I'm hoping the next workshop will be landscape as I struggle with still life. Let's hope it's a good one!
  • Richard Robinson

    Hi Li, that is actually a clay bank/cliff.

  • Dee Berridge

    Hello Li, this is great, well done! You're very brave and it will be a wonderful adventure for you both. You'll need to make sure the pose is natural and comfortable for her somshe can hold it over time and maybe arrange several sessions. She will need to take breaks to stretch and move around so remember you can mark her position with masking tape or chalk at key points to help her get back into the same pose...or almost! Take your time and let it be practice for you and not only about the end result. I would approach this like we did with the pear and still life and plan it out with small studies, like black and white notan sketch/es, value study/ies and general colour notes so you are happy with the whole design etc before you start the main painting. I would take photographs too, if your friend is happy with that, so you can work on it when she's not there. Photos can be helpful for adjusting the drawing, not so good for colour though. Make sure YOU are comfortable with everything as well as your friend : ) If I can be of any help or if you just want to share your thoughts/feelings as you go along please do. How exciting! Good luck!
  • Dee Berridge

    That's ok Li, I'm sure you will enjoy it : )

    Happy painting!

  • barbara grazer

    Li, I've just watch the slide show of your paintings..Beautiful work.. I really like the painting of the oranges and bottle... It's a thumbs up for me..:)

  • susie gregory

    hi li ..i thought we were already friends...but just in case, i send you another friend request. i read where you said your orange color and cloth upset me...please don't ever feel that way - i love your painting and the bright color was what you were going have faith in yourself...i was only offering advice on what you might do if you WEREN'T happy with the result.  as i said..i just love your oranges!!

  • Alyson Walters

    Hi Li, your new paintings are great. I think your oranges and vase are brilliant, you definately have a good eye for still life! I just finished a painting of a Vulcan plane a few weeks ago.
    I'm quite inspired by your dancing lady so I think I'll try some portraits soon. Keep up your good works Li  :-D
  • Alyson Walters

    Your painting for workshop 8 looks great! 
  • Jane Albin

    Hi Li,  I am sorry to say I am sitting out workshops 8 and 9.  I have too many other things going on right now and don't see how to fit the work in.  I did take time to check out the submissions last week, everything looks wonderful.  I hope to rejoin in June. 

    Keep up your wonderful work!  Happy painting


  • barbara grazer

    Congratulations Li, I'm happy for you. Beautiful work!

  • Joseph Byrd (Joe)

    Li, Congratulations. I am so proud of you..... 1st Place. It is a beautiful piece. Happy for you.

  • Pauline Le Merle

    congradulations on your win Li,  the painting is super! 

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Hi Li, look forward to seeing your cat.  I'm sure you will do a great job, you are a very talented lady :)

  • Dee Berridge

    Thank you Li : )

    How is it going with your nude painting? Have you been able to get started on that with your friend?

  • Alyson Walters

    yes i like the look of the next workshop so i will give it a try. I just worry i will run out of time as it usually takes me 3-4 weeks to finish a painting.
  • Ruby

    Hi Li.. Thank you for your kind comments on my paintings. I appreciate it so much coming from such a wonderful artist like yourself.

  • Ruby

    Thanks Li.. AND you are a very good artist. Dont knock yourself. You are perfect.

  • Dee Berridge

    If it's meant to be it will happen in it's own good time : )

    Have fun with Workshop 9...

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Hi Li Just found a comment you made on my preliminary redrocks, sorry i missed it, Thank you for liking it. No its done in oils.  I seem to be moving away from the pastels now, and finding oils much easier to apply and move around.  I have enjoyed doing the workshop very much and i've had some amazing feed back which i will treasure and take with me on my painting journey.:-) P 

  • Lorna Allan

    You are most welcome.  I did reply to this but dont see it so here I go again. It is an afternoon photo,late afternoon 4.43pm summer time.

    best wishes with the challenge.

  • Lorna Allan

    My pleasure (O:   I will look forward to seeing your finished painting. 

  • Lorna Allan

    Thank you Li.  (O:   I havent done the challenges here as seem to be always too busy with other committments, however it is great to watch from time to time and when Richard asked for images of this sort I knew I would have some to help with so on this challenge I am even more involved and will look forward to what people do with this. 

  • Lorna Allan

    Thank you to both you and your husband, very kind comments.  (O:

    Instead then, I will provide some photos when I can and when Richard needs some. (O:

  • Lorna Allan

    No bother at all. It was mid summer Li, mid afternoon.  I had wanted to vote on this challenge but it seems that perhaps it only lets you vote if you are taking part which to me is a bit silly.  It would be much better if it was open voting for any member of the site as then there would be more real oppinions as otherwise its just people voting against each other in a way.  I did email Richard and suggest this but he has not replied.

    I wanted to vote for yours as your colors and values were true as though you had been there.  You could feel the heat on the rocks and walls.  Best wishes for the voting and please let me know how it went.  I truly hope you win.

  • Lorna Allan

    Good morning Li,  How good that you have already won once.  I agree that its encouraging for others that they should win too, however its also good for any artist (including you and me) to win something now and then at it keeps our confidence going and helps us to strive to improve even further.  It helps us to believe in ourselves and this is important. If we dont then how can we hope that others might believe in our work.  I won a merit award last weekend which is wonderful as it is rare in New Zealand to get attention for realism, and it encourages me to keep striving for the higher prizes and shows prospective clients there is some merit and value in my work.

    Love - Lorna


  • Alyson Walters

    Hi Li, I have been so busy packing for moving house I have not been on here for long time. Congratulations on your success for workshop 10! You are a fantastic painter and you should be really proud :-D
    Well done xxx
  • Alyson Walters

    We have to finish decorating this week.... I am still painting but only walls at the moment. Can't wait to actually move into our new house, I am going to turn the spare bedroom into a painting studio!
  • Dorian Aronson

    This red ribbon reminds me that AIDs still kills and it is given in memory of my beloved brother..........dor:))
  • Alyson Walters

    I sold 2 of my paintings today :-)
  • Dorian Aronson

    Easy way to see any work shop paintings!

    At the top of this page.  Click on photos, page will open, up at top on left in the open box type in workshop15 and click on the magnify glass and all the work shop 15 photos will show.  Mine is on page 6.

    I had a terrible time painting clouds......

  • Pamela Meredith

    thank you for your comment on my cloud study much appreciated

  • barbara grazer

    Thank you for liking my cloud studies. Your paintings are amazingly good, so a compliment from you is very encouraging :) 

  • Lyndon Baxter

    Li, that's a lovely painting of the boat, I particularly like the reflections in the foreground and you have captured the late afternoon lighting very well, I don't think you need to worry about greying anymore out.

    Sorry, I have not replied to your previous comment ...about my paintings or rather the lack of them but for the last part of 2012 I was deeply involved in my other hobby ... building websites for non-profit organizations to the exclusions of everything else. My resolution for 2013 is to paint at least 4 paintings a month so I hope to upload some in the next couple of days.

  • Michael J. Severin

    Thank you Ningning, your friend request is very happily accepted!  By the way, I really love this southwest canyon piece that you painted!

  • mario alberto velazquez


  • Dorothy Debney

    Thanks Ningning for your lovely comments.  I enjoyed this workshop, and learned such a lot from these excercises. Dorothy.

  • Dorothy Debney

    Ningning. I saw a dinghy on your page, and I think it is really great, you are not scared of using vibrant colours, ---pity it wasn't in the workshop photos, I may have missed seeing it if it was.. Dorothy

  • Jon Main

    My pleasure Ningning - thanks! Jon

  • Joe La Bianca

    hi.. so glad to be friends... thx :)

  • Jendrawan Husada

    Thank you for the encouraging comments. You have a lovely gallery and I love your rendition of the Bridge (and rock) as well as the Red Pepper still life.

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Thank you for your likes Ningning just been looking through your paintings. you have been doing some fabulous work you are a clever girl! :-))

  • Carolyn Brunsdon

    Ningnig Li, thank you so much for "liking" my paintings. Your work is so varied and well done. I will come back and enjoy them all in a bit. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you viewing my work!