Kim Hayes



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Edward Wesson
Joseph Zbukvic
Do you have any goals for your painting?
Continue on the path of getting to a point when I'm happy with the style

Comment Wall:

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Thank you for your encouraging comments Kim,  your watercolours are wonderful! :-))

  • Cheryl Lipham

    Kim, I have just perused your beautiful paintings.  I wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed them all. From vibrancy to subtlety, you captured it all.  You have such a wonder talent!  I found your paintings to be a feast for the eye.  I will continue to watch your postings! 

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Thanks Kim, looks like its only you and i up on this side of the pond! 

  • Stuart J. Gourlay

    Much deserved. I would love to paint better than I do in watercolors and even then couldn't come anywhere near your efforts. Stu
  • Pauline Le Merle

    Thanks for you encouraging comments Kim, its a very steep learning curve this painting lark :-)

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Thanks for your lovely comments re pandora and Molly Kim:-)

  • Sharon Repple

    Thanks Kim John, I started with watercolors so I love looking at your application of watercolors

  • Lori Ippolito

    Thanks so much for your input on my pastel..I finished it!!! Your comments were a great help to me:)
  • Ningning Li

    Kim, Many thanks.Sometimes, I  launch too far with my colour. Many friends here tried to hold me a bit. I need more experience through the practice to handle the subtle relationship in a propriate degree and balance as you are doing. All your paintings are so beautiful!!!

  • Lori Ippolito

    Thanks for the like on my value study Kim!!
  • Brenda Osborne

    Thanks for your comment re watercolour paper, I do have plenty of 300gsm plus a pad of 450gsm but must admit to being rather hesitant of watercolour s have done a lot of gouache and love using that medium.  When you stretch your paper do you tape it firstbefore wetting it, I sometimes think I am doing it incorrectly, that's probably why I tend to use acrylic and oils, think I am a bit of a coward!!!

  • Brenda Osborne

    Thank you Kim for all your help with stretching paper etc. have printed out your instructions and am going to try doing water colours again, your beautiful paintings have given me inspiration to again try my hand at watercolours. I have some 100% cotton paper which is 400gsm plus heaps of 300gsm paper so hopefully will have something to post soon.  Once again thankyou.  cheers

  • Mary Wykes

    I really appreciated all your comments on my portraits, Kim.  I spent most of my life wishing I were an artist, never knowing I had the latent talent to do it.  The year I turned 59 I decided it was "now or never" and jumped in.  I began taking lessons at a local Hobby Lobby, and within a year was doing portraits independently.  In these courses I am stepping out of my comfort zone to try some new things.  Oils are also out of my comfort zone, though I have done some work with them in the past.

  • Manneherrin

    Thank you so much for your guidance on watercolor.. i will be getting the paper you suggest here in the next week or so.. i cant wait. :D

  • Robin Hicks

    Thank you Kim I really appreciate your comment. I enjoyed painting this one a lot as the colours where so beautiful yet challenging to try to capture.
  • Jendrawan Husada

    Thank you for dropping in on my Lake Bled Kim. I love your rendition of Picadilly circus and admire your attention to detail. Excellent

    Cheers, Jen

  • Manneherrin

    haha.. good point!

  • Silvana M Albano

    Thanks Kim! I'll have to be courageous! I still don't know what my style is... ! There must be a kind of trend which I am following and I am not aware of. I try to paint exactly what I see, but it NEVER comes out that way. It is really frustrating... but now I am trying to accept that fact, and I am  trying to paint in a 'digestible' way....