Robyn (Ro) Lovelock




Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Hit and miss! :) Impressionism
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Usually paint in WC but would like to do more with acrylics
Are you a full time artist?
Some Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Alvaro Castignet
Joseph Zbukvic
Do you have any goals for your painting?
Just want to learn as much as I can for my own enjoyment.

Comment Wall:

  • Dorian Aronson

    Your photos are lovely.  Thank you for joining The Complete Artist.......smiles : ))

  • Brenda Osborne

    your photography is fabulous, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful photos. 

  • Lori Ippolito

    Thanks Ro!!!
  • Jendrawan Husada

    Thank you Ro, I appreciate the encouraging comments on my "cafe" painting. You were kind too as in the value dept I feel I've gone over to the dark side :-)

  • Gambetta Brehmer

    Hi Ro
    Your photos are great! Thanks for publishing them on the site! I especially like the Paris street scene - I am thinking about doing that. It has fantastic shadows. Most of my photos end up with mid day shadows and are not as dramatic as yours.
  • Michael Chomse

    Hi Ro, I just came across the fantastic site 'Paint My Photo', thanks to Lori Ippolito's comment. Is this a well-kept secret here on The Complete Artist? You seem very involved there, and it is a great resource! 

    I'm going to add a link, just in case anyone reads this and wants to get there. Hope that's okay.

    Once again, thanks for all your beautiful photos. I really do want to paint more of them. Perhaps I'll do a 'Rocks of Tasmania" series. :-)

  • Lori Ippolito

    Hi Ro!! What beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing!!!

  • Lori Ippolito

    Thanks for the request:). So glad to have you here!!
  • Boca PETE

    Your photos are beautiful!

    The most challenging task with painting from photo references is recreation the illusion of three dimensions in the painting, together with appropriate aerial and linear perspective. Knowing these principles and keeping them in mind while painting is very helpful indeed.