Susan Burke


West Yarmouth, MA

United States

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Richard Schmid
Clyde Aspevig
Do you have any goals for your painting?
To be better.

Comment Wall:

  • Chuck Warner

    Hello Susan,  Thank you for your nice comment on "Lillian's Pet Dog".  It's always a challenge to get the expression and coloring correct on a persons pet.  But, I love challenges.  The great thing about scratch art lends itself so well to fur, with individual stroke a piece of fur.  Thanks again.  Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Susan,  thank you for your nice comment on my rainbow trout.  My first fish, I like and feel comfortable when doing animals with fur, but this was a challenge..  Love your encouragement..  Tks   Chuck :) XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Susan, thank you for your nice comment!  I looked at the Brown this morning and I honestly thought, it would be nice to go fishing for trout..  :)  

    As you know I did a Rainbow a little bit ago and tomorrow is our big 4th of July Arts and Craft Show and Ice Cream Social... Hoping it doesn't rain.  :)   Think I will put the two trout out as a set one price for one and a discounted price if they take the set..  Have a good and safe 4th   Chuck   :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Susan,  Well, Arts and Craft show was suppose to run from 9am until 3pm.  I lasted just like last year, until noon and then it started to thunder, lightning and rain like crazy..  We got .30" in about an hour..  so the show basically closed up.. I did well considering only 3 hours, total sales $746.00 with a possible 6-8 pet portrait commissions.  I got down payments on 2 pet portraits and two 8"x10"  ink and w/c washes of peoples cabins.   Last year I did 26 such ink and wash works.  So all in all not bad for 3 hours..  It's 4pm and 60 degrees and more rain, our forests need the water so let it rain!!!   Chuck :)  XX 

  • Chuck Warner

    HI Susan,  My main residence is in Yuma, AZ in the extreme SW part of AZ, where AZ, CA and Mexico come together. We are the city that gets the most sunshine of and city in the USA.  We get an average of 3" of rain annually, guess that's why we are called a desert! :)

    In the summer, now that I've retired we come to our summer home in the mountains of NE'ern AZ,  up about 8,000' on what's called the Mogollon Rim.  Tall, 80'-100' Ponderosa Pines and plenty of wildlife.  From the first of July or so it's what is falled "Monsoon Season"!!  moist air moves north from the Sea of Cortez, north east crossing the Rim and dropping rain (and temps last night it was about 54f).  A friend with a rain guage measured almost 2 1/2" in yesterdays storm.   Enjoy your warmer weather...

    I learned about scratch art last Sept when Dorothy and I took our 50th anniversary trip to the UK.  It was a 2 week guided tour of England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland.  After the guided part was over (ended in Stratford upon Avon) we rented a car and drove south to Brighton.  Then worked our way north along the coast, stopping at B and B's.  We also met 5 artists I've been chatting with, online.  One was a scratch art artist, and she is outstanding.  She had asked me if I could bring a few 8x10 scratch board over as they were not importing them until Dec and we were going to be there in Sept.   When we met, I gave her the boards and asked about scratch art, she invited us to her home and showed me and let me piddle around a bit.  I decided to try it when I returned to the States.  And so after returning I started scratch art......  I say, "I got and itch and just had to scratch it."    I've been scratching now 7 months and love it...   Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Susan, the world is indeed smaller!  If we get back to Cape Cod area expect a phone call and maybe a lunch or dinner.  That's what we did in England.  We ended up in Ipswich, north of London about I think, 50 miles.  That's where my wife's ancestors left for Boston and Salem in 1634.  We went to the church they attended and the then to the Hall of Records for that area and my wife got 3 photo copies of Last Will and Testaments of her relatives from the 1500's....  awesome...      Rain again this afternoon and temp is down to 56f...  good sleeping weather...   I had to come in, I do my art on my covered deck and just got cold..   :)     amazing for July in AZ......  Chuck     PS If you ever get out this way let's get together too..  C    :)

  • Chuck Warner

    Yep, her family goes way back, as I said to 1634 in the early colonies.  We have a pewter plate that came over with them, what tales it could tell, if only it could talk.   My mother's side can be traced back to 1700's into Carolina's  I think English/Irish.   My father's side the came over from Sweden turn of 1900 century and settled into Minn on a small farm  Gust and Helga!!!   By yumpin' yimminy!!!     It chilly here,  1:15pm and temp is 68f with threat of thunder/lightning storms..   Yikes and this is July in Arizona.. hahhahahaha    Chuck   :)

  • Chuck Warner

    hahhahahhahaha    Come on Susan, don't get your nickers up all in a bunch, I just went to Google and checked 2pm 83f with 71% humidity..  Here at Forest Lakes (mountains) at 11am it's 72f and 36% humidity.   I live in Yuma, AZ (desert) and at 11am there temp was 99 with a high today of 105f and 21% humidity.  This Friday driving back to Yuma to see my son and daughter in law and grands who are flying in from Orlando, for a week.  But then back to mountain retreat.  :)   I am enjoying chatting with you, if you ever want to chat outside my e-mail address is    I use to be in the agricultural irrigation design and supply business, hence the funky e-mail address!!  Sit back and enjoy the weather.......mid 80's is spring and fall temps for us.  :)   Chuck :)

  • Chuck Warner

    Thank you Sue... Glad we met..  Chuck :)

  • Candi Hogan

    ANd boy do I love the food!!!  Need to drop 20 lbs!!! :)

  • Michael J. Severin

    Thanks Susan!!  :))

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Susan,  thank you.  I've done this in Scratch art and ink/watercolor wash.  Am going to post the ink/wash in a few minutes..  Love your style of painting.. Chuck :)  XX

  • Steinunn Einarsdottir

    Thank you Susan.  No I am not a German but a pure Icelandic and live on a small island south of Iceland called Heimaey, Vestmannaeyjar. Thank you so much for your interest and perhaps there is a trace of German blood from the ancestors, who knows.:)

    Thank you for being my friend.:)

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Susan,  Thank you, it was a fun one to do... I saw the photo on PMP and I just had to do it..  Sometimes a little eclectic is good..   Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Thank you Susan,  I do hope that the lady who lost her pet enjoys my efforts..  I'm onto two more pet portraits at the moment.  One a German Shepard and the other a Toy Poodle.. Fun works...  Chuck :)  XX

  • Walda Juhl

    My daughter lives in Shrewsbury. Mass & I am visiting her in Sept.  Was going to take a workshop at Northeast art BUT they canceled due to low enrollment but we're still going to stay at Cape Ann Marina Lodge in Gloucester.  What a small world, hey? 

  • Walda Juhl

    I will be there Sept. 14-19th!  My daughter is a psychologist so I have to work around her schedule.  We will have mostly Wed & Thursday together.  She loves Mass.  THey've lived there 2 years now.  Don't you just love our art class online.?  I really enjoy it & have learned tons.  WALDA

  • Chuck Warner

    Thank you Susan,  I'm sending 'Thor' and the grey toy poodle "Sammi" to the couple who commissioned me to do their dogs..  Sending them to NJ this week.. 

    I'm now about 50% finished with another commission, this one of a English Bull Dog..

    Chuck  :)  XX