Ningning Li


Lima; Peru


Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
no specific style
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Some Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Van Gogh & Enrique Polanco
Do you have any goals for your painting?
Want to develop my own realistic, impressionist style
What's your website address? (If any)

Comment Wall:

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  • Carolyn Brunsdon

    You are ever so right! That tender artist mentality, lol. No place to go but up in my art, it is a very gratifying and hard fought battle, but so glad to be painting again. Thanks again.

  • Pamela Meredith

    thank you for the comment on my workshop painting advise taken and much appreciated

  • June Stevens

    Thank you Ningning Li for your comment about my painting.  Yes I did the foreground rocks with a palette knife - in a fit of frustration I just slapped it on and it worked!  Found my painting had a bit of a split personality for a while until I worked on the background as well - not with a knife though!  Great to get some feeback.  Loved your paintings - especially the skyscapes and the still lifes.  You are really talented!  

  • Carolyn Brunsdon

    Hi Friend. Glad be sharing this journey with you and the other good folks here. So were is the "dog" did you paint that poor puppy out?? Lol!

  • Karlo Bonacic

    Happy to be your friend!

  • Kim Hayes

    Thanks Ningning for ALL your kind comments.

    And to add you have a very unique style ......bold and bright .....Brilliant!


  • Roena King

    Your gallery is really lovely.  I told Don that I really  messed up by not taking all of RR workshops from day one.  Excuses prevented me.  I am enjoying the sunset workshop though.  

  • Britt Greenland

    You have so many lovely paintings!  I admire your style!

  • Britt Greenland

    Your admission only makes you more worthy of the compliment!  Being teachable is essential to being good at anything!  We can't take any credit for being blessed with talent, but we can take a little credit for studying, practicing and applying. : )  Sorry.  I'm not in the habit of letting people deflect compliments. ; ) 

  • Mary Wykes

    I'm glad you enjoyed Beau and Peekaboo - and for sure you are right about that shirt!  I actually put off doing the painting for about two years out of fear of that shirt!  But FEAR if False Evidence Appearing Real, and we have to set it aside.  Have a great day, with time for artistic endeavors!

  • Jen C r u d e n

    Ningning, meant to say to you re photographing your artwork. Richard has a link showing a video on this.  Go to Workshop Tab, select a workshop and scroll down to No.3. 'Photograph your Work' and will see link there. I just use the white balance for online artwork and works really well but this link does explain in more detail. Good luck with it. jen

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Hi Ningning thank you so much for your likes.  just back from holiday so looking forward to seeing what you've all been up to :-))

  • Jen C r u d e n

    Ningning, thanks for your comments always re my work. Re the cloud one, don't worry, as had changed it about 2 weeks ago, but had not put the photo up online.  I am getting very fussy now with my art and seem to wish to redo a few, even though they may be fine. Guess am going thru typical 'painter' thing and not be too critical of my own work. Normally have around 7 or 8 on the go at once, so they can dry and then sit for a while to see next stage.   I do love your work with the trees and the gold in them with leaves on ground. Looking back at your work, I can see you improving so much. Keep up good work.

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Thank you Ningning for the lovely things you said, you have given me a lift. i really appreciate your comments. My art has improved enormously since joining this site and i'm so glad i have so many talented fellow artists like you to share it with :-)) 

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Thank you again Ningning for your inspiring comments re my recent paintings.  I am enjoying doing these types of scenes so much since spending some time in the forest a few weeks ago.  Thank you for looking and commenting Ningning it means a lot to me :-}

  • Faisal Tariq

    Thanks  Li for accepting my friendship... :)

  • Silvana M Albano

    Ningning! I am surprised we were not friends!!! Now it's on the papers :)!!!! It's a pleasure to be your artist friend and it's a pleasure to enjoy and look at all your work!!!

  • Anna Stenier-Karadjova

    Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.
    May you have a wonderful and productive New Years! :-)) Anna

  • Colleen McCafferty

    Thank you Ningning.  I'm very happy to have you as my friend too.  I agree, let's hope we can have a lot of fun learning!

  • Sharon Casavant

    Where did you comment?  Under what painting?  Then, maybe I can delete it for you. I am sure it is fine.

  • Xiao Li

    Thank you Ningning for the suggestion. Since I am late already, I will wait this one out..  Happy painting!

  • Colleen McCafferty

    Congratulations Ningning!  Well done.

  • Britt Greenland

    I was so happy to see that you tied for a win!  You work so hard, and I'm happy to see it paying off!  My whole-hearted congratulations to you!  

  • Gina Dalkin-Davis

    Hi Ningning Li,  ... Congratulations. This is a gorgeous painting.  Well done.

  • Gina Dalkin-Davis

    Hi Ningning .. thank you.  I've watched your own paintings develop with such steady success.   Everyone's good wishes to you are well deserved. I agree with all who commented on your painting.

  • Nancy Sands

    Hi Li,

    I just got back into town and found that your beautiful painting shared the winning spot in the workshop.  I was so excited for you and, of course, loved yours.  That you followed along with Richard's demonstration and do so with all the workshop assignments makes me think that I should as well because I can see how your work is improving.  I loved that you used his setting but put your own ideas into it.  Well, no one deserves this win more than you.

    With my husband's health difficulties, I have little time to paint these days; so, it is really good for me to have this workshop to make me go to the easel and paint at least one painting a month.  Otherwise, I do not think I would be doing it at all.  I think I will follow your excellent example and go along with Richard on this next one.  Have you done your group painting yet?  You have a similar one to mine.  I am trying to figure out how to go about it.  I procrastinated yesterday.  Today I am going to tackle it for sure.

    Anyway, I am extremely happy for your win this past month. 

    Love, Nancy


  • Michael J. Severin

    Thank you Ningning for your very kind thoughts.  I would like to tell you that you are doing some fantastic work!! ..really improving.  Your WS28 painting was so beautiful!! was very deserving of everyone's vote!! :)

  • Lori Ippolito

    Ningning I saw on the comments for the Robinson Master Secrets Summit that you sold a painting!!  Good for you!!!  Keep at it..I see your painting growing in leaps and bounds!! I'm inspired to keep trying:)

  • Lori Ippolito

    Thanks very much Ningning.. the feeling is mutual:)

  • Lori Ippolito

    You are a very warm and kind person..what a pleasure to 'know' you!! I just joined the virtual art academy and was happy to see you there as well! I'm really hoping to learn how to be a better painter:)
  • Olivia O'Carra

    Thank you Ningning for your nice comments.

    Happy Painting!

  • Linda McNeill

    Congratulations, Li , on wining the workshop. Well done!
  • Richard Robinson

    :-) Thanks Li.


    Thank you Ningning for the welcome, very appreciated.  I will look into that picture taking.  I actually had to go to work and finished late at night so I commended my husband to take the picture.

  • Fay Thomson

    Ningning thank you for your friend request.  I am so pleased to be your artist friend.

  • mario alberto velazquez

    Thank you Ningning to see others painting from me,, thanks again ..

  • Ruby

    Thank you Ningning for all your lovely comments as well as your "likes".. I really appreciate it .  :)

  • Elizabeth D. Smith

    Thank you Ningning,  Li for commenting on my paintings. You are so kind. I can tell you are a very gentle person.

  • jeanette rogerson

    thank you so much for your encouragement and advice 


  • Lori Ippolito

    Heard you got the flu:(( feel better soon Ningning xo
  • Ngaire Lincoln

    I though so too Li but maybe I didn't look hard enough!!  Loving your work, I have been following the artists but not painting much as my husband had a stroke but he is improving now so I'm back!

  • Ngaire Lincoln

    Hi Li, thank you for your suggestions! I did struggle with that right hand corner so maybe I will take your suggestions on board and revisit the painting. I work with acrylics and as they dry flat I can't get that juicy fat look of oils.  I have has trouble commenting as well, I think the site is playing up. 

  • Glenys Jones

    So happy to be your friend Ningning. and thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my work.

  • jeanette rogerson

    Hi there 

    where would I find workshop 46 

    Thank you   Jeanette

  • Candi Hogan

    I bet it is beautiful where you live Ningning, and lots of culture!  I lived in Hawaii for twelve years, and really loved it there.    Miss living near the ocean, now though, it is way too expensive!  I am taking the plein air workshop  with a friend, so we are both new to plein air, but it will be okay...I am just looking at it as a learning experience.  The artist who is giving it is from Hawaii, his name is Saim Caglayan, if you have a chance you can look up his work.  I'm off to check out your website!

    I paint slow too Ningning!  Thanks for accepting my friendship!

  • Elena Sokolova


  • Ruby

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on "Hope" Ningning. :)

  • Elizabeth D. Smith

    Your painting are wonderful and bright and so happy.

  • Elizabeth D. Smith

    Thank you Ningning Li for looking at my post and commenting on Bringing in Spring. You have just beautiful strokes with your painting.

  • Gina Dalkin-Davis

    Congratulations, Ningning.  The Petunias are beautiful. Gina.