Britt Greenland

Renton, WA

United States

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Please note that I really do check your answers to these questions. If you don't complete them then I won't allow you access to the painting group. This is necessary to stop spammers and scammers. Okay?
How would you categorize your painting style?
looser than realist, tighter than impressionistic
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Iris Scott--does amazing Van Gogh-like work-finger painted!
Erin Hanson--"open impressionism"
Both of these are young women, pioneering a new way ahead with both painting and marketing!
I also love Rita Kirkman's broken color!
Do you have any goals for your painting?
My newest goal (5 years in to oil painting) is to paint with the same joy and abandon I had when I first started painting and never considered others might even look at my work!
What's your website address? (If any)

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  • Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

    Thanks for your comment on my poem.

    Best wishes


  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Britt,  hahhahahha  Thank you for the joke!!!   I love jokes as much as I love doing art!!!!   Both bring me great pleasure!!   As for that joke, it's old and one I've heard before but had forgotten, soooooo  big grin on my face again and will be sending it along to my hand full of joke buddies...  :)   We have many of your Washingtonian's here in Yuma each winter... I send you along some of today's 75 degree weather!!   And that's no joke!!!   Chuck  :)  XX     

    PS, At my age I really relate to that joke!!   :)

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Britt,  I was looking in the paper this morning and they are saying it's going to chill down to 64 by Friday and nights all the way down to 48F  brrrrrrrr!!   So you hubby drove a train for a number of years before becoming a 'first responder'!!!   I take my hat off to both of you..  :)   Well,  need to go gather up my gear for my annual gig as Santa for the Cub Scouts.  I "HO HO HO  them and pass out the Pine Wood racer kits... I'm a good Santa, no need for phony padding with me!!!   :)    If you ever get down here (but only in the winter) plan to stop and visit..   Chuck :)  XX