Dorian Aronson


Mary Esther, FL

United States

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Eager Student
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
oils (WMOil)
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Vincent VanGogh
Do you have any goals for your painting?
Learn as much as I can, practice and become an Artist!
What's your website address? (If any)

Comment Wall:

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  • Lori Ippolito

    Hi Dor! Thanks for the like & the lovely comment in my email:) hope you're having a great day!!
  • Manneherrin

    Thank you for your warm welcome! 

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Dorian,  Thank you.  I love doing art pieces of giraffes and ostriches because their facial features are do cute and funny.  Thank you for taking time to look at and comment on my scratch art works..  Scratch art lends itself very well to animals and things with fur or hair..  Chuck  :)  XX

  • Gwendlyn Sedgwick


    I see you asked me if I ever got the video downloaded.  Yes I did but I would also like to get it on my iPad and I can't remember my password.  I have tried to change it but I never get the email that they say has been sent.  Is there a way to just change it on my computer.  I will keep trying to find out how by myself.

    Thank you for responding.

  • Gwendlyn Sedgwick

    Hello again - I just got it to work - don't know what I was doing wrong but I was able to change my password so now i will be able to log on with my iPad.

    Sorry for the problem.  I am trying to learn to navigate the website.  There is a lot to see.

    Thank you - Gwendlyn

  • Vangie Tyrrell

    Thank you, Dorian... very much appreciated.



  • Roena King

    Thanks Dorian for your lovely comment on my "A Pond Full of Water Lilies".  Much appreciated. 


    Thank you Dorian for your comments in the past.  I'm happy to be a friend.  Denis

  • kevin miller

    Why certainly Dorian and the honor is mine. Having coffee at the moment getting ready to jump out and attempt another plein air. No rest for the tired. Canvas wont paint itself and I can't learn if I don't paint so another day and another try.
  • Tanya

    Hi Dorian.  Thanks for responding to my question.  You are so nice!  Would you mind suggesting how early to post it? 

    Have a great day,


  • Chuck Warner

    Hello Dorian, thank you for your comment on my owl.  He had that look to me, as if he had something to hide..  found scratch art 16 months ago and an loving it..  Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Dor, delighted to have you as a friend here on Complete Artist..  We can never have to many friend, especially artist friends..  Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Dor,  Thanks, I had fun doing the memories series.  The drive-in movies, oh yes (AKA Passion Pit).... Memories...........   :)   Chuck :)  XX

  • Marcia Hodges

    Dorian, thank you for the friend request...I accept with honor and thank you for your kind comments....Marcia

  • Rajesh K Sharma

    Sorry Dorian, I did not see the friend request for such a long time. Thanks to be a friend.

  • Roena King

    Thank you Dorian for your comments on Rees Valley after RR.  I scraped it off and moved on to other "tries".  

  • Gunther Andree

    Hi Dorian, very kind of you to comment - the review, some advice is obvious once you hear/read it but the suggestion to have tracks or lines going across the shadows took me by surprise but is a very good point. On the positive points - hm, is there such thing as encouragement for the new??

    I just saw your hay bales - very nice colour scheme, I once took a photo of almost violet rocks in Ireland but never dared to paint them. Perhaps should have.

  • Chris Bloom

    Thanks, Dorian. Appreciate your comment.
  • Catherine Spencer

    Hi Dorian, Im back ... too late for this workshop -- submitted my painting after the 23rd - nuts!  But Ill see you in the next workshop.  You're paintings get better and better !


    Thank you. I am looking forward to the group

  • Elena Sokolova

    Thanks for your great congratulation!

  • Cristina Mihailescu

    Good morning dear Dor, undefined

    You are wonderful, thank you so much dear friend for the congrats and beautiful words, I appreciate it! Happy Sunday! Smiles, joy 

  • Annie

    Thanks so much, Dorian, nice meeting all of you too. :)

  • Tina Winistok

    Thanks, Dorian! Looking forward to exploring the site and meeting new artists.

  • Genevieve Reinke

    Thanks for the warm welcoming words, Dorian. Am looking forward to have a wonderful and fruitful painting in the complete artist community and to meet new artists. Gene

  • Michelle

    Thank you!!! I love learning new things!! Nice to meet you
  • Ingrid Amirault

    thanks. I may have discovered the enormity of the site already. I purchased some dvd lessons ( online) and I am still figuring out how to navigate to them easily on my phone- let alone my desktop. Anyway excited about settling in and beginning this next stage of the journey


  • Dj Robertson

    Thank you for welcoming me. This is so new to me and I'm looking forward to seeing and learning from all the artists here. I just started painting a few months ago. Aloha from Hawaii!
  • Dj Robertson

    Hi Dorian,

    I was wondering if you might know why my photos were squished vertically when I uploaded them.  I did it from my cell phone. Should I try deleting the photos and trying it again?



  • Jim Duncan

    my website :

    Jim Duncan

  • Richard Comrie

    Thanks Dorian, look forward to using the site and maybe in time contributing.

  • Mario Mejia

    Thanks Dorian.
  • Wyncia Clute

    Thanks, Dorian.
  • Jasper Stupart

    Thank you Dorian :)

  • Rosie

    Thank you! :-)
  • Elena Sokolova

    Thanks for your great comments!

  • Vaskóné Gálfi Erzsébet

    Nagyon köszönöm a meleg fogadtatást Dorian!

  • Vaskóné Gálfi Erzsébet

     I am very glad to have you Budapesten.Magyar kitchen is very good.The food goulash that we could live hungarikum.Budapestől 60km Perkátán.Fodrász salon has three large family, my son and my grandson have two boys 10 years I paint very szeretem.Örülök that from Richard tanulhatok.Köszönöm friendship

  • Linda

    Thanks Dorian, Iv'e started exploring already! I am amazed at all the fantastic artwork submitted under the Photos section. This is a great place to get inspired!

  • Toska M. Courbron

    Hello Dorian,  I don't understand why you say for me to "Tag" my painting.  I did, and I still don't know why Richard didn't add it to the Gallery.  I tagged it the same as before, and the other two were critiqued in the IA magazine.  Richard hasn't responded to my message or email.  Confounded.

  • Craig Seaborn

    HI Dorian thank you for your friendship , love the beach photo , I am looking at several feet of snow right now in my yard.

  • Barb Sieger

    Hi Dorian!  Thanks for accepting my friend's request!  I love the picure you posted of your area.  Would you mind if I painted this pic too?

    Happy painting!


  • Diane Thomas

    Thank you Dorian for the warm welcome. Now that the holidays are over I am really looking forward to exploring the website...there's so much going on!

    I agree with you that Richard is a wonderful teacher and artist and he truly wants to help blooming artist come into their own. I just love his style of painting, the brush strokes, the beautiful colors, he truly is very knowledgable and talented, plus he has a great personality to boot!

    I love the beach photo above, and you have some wonderful and eye catching paintings yourself!

    Looking forward to being a part of a very exciting website.

    Diane :)

  • Roena King

    Thank you for the comment on The Fall Stream, Dorian.  I appreciate it. 

  • gerald greenblatt

    Thanks for the kind welcome, Dorian.

    I think it will take me a while to navigate around this site.

    I look forward to meeting folks and seeing their work !


  • Roena King

    Thank you Dorian for the congratulations on the sale of The Fall Stream.  Much appreciated. 

  • Roena King

    Thank you so much for  your kind comments on my painting, Forest Life.  They are much appreciated. 

  • Gina Ionescu

    Hi Dorian, 

    Lot of smiles back =)=)

    and Happy Painting !

  • Roena King

    Thanks Dorian for your comment on Tranquility.  If there was any cool it was in the morning......yes humidity in that area. Hugs, Roena

  • Mark Brumfield

    Thanks Dorian . I will slow down a little now that I've flooded the Photos section with my stuff . I don't want to step on toes . Be well .