Susan Burke


West Yarmouth, MA

United States

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Richard Schmid
Clyde Aspevig
Do you have any goals for your painting?
To be better.

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  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Susan,  Thank you for your sweet comment on Mr. Bear..  I was wondering what color to paint the rbbon, but then realized it was Mr. Ted E. Bear and well It had to be blue!!!  I've been busy with commissioned pet portraits and had finished my last one that was due.. So I wanted something that was just a relaxed work.. Hence, Mr. Bear.  While doing him I decided to do a series of  "Memory" works.. Things that I remember from my childhood and young adulthood..  Should be fun and hopefully others will have their memories jogged also..  Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Thank you Susan!  They were "GOOD" old days!!!!  A time when we played hide and seek, went to the city park and ate peanuts and watched a semi-pro baseball team..  yep "GOOD" old times indeed...  Chuck  :) 

  • Chuck Warner

    Hello Susan..An ink and watercolor wash, 5"x7" of how it all begins for artists "The Coloring Book and Crayons"...  Here we have a coloring book and some wax crayons!!  I would thank that when we were young we all played with coloring books and crayons when the weather was nasty outside and playing in the house was the order of the day.  And after plenty of noise and rough house with siblings, mother would lay down the law and quiet would prevail.  For some they continued on and others of us we had to wait a number of decades to gravitate back to art...... :)    Also Susan, I'm gratified at how many viewers are enjoying Memories.. I know it's not sterling art, but then that's not the idea.. Thank you again.. Posting two more #7 and #8   Chuck :)  XX