Margo Gilroy


Sarnia, ontario


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How would you categorize your painting style?
Beginner who is trying different styles but tends towards impressionistic
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Currently acrylics but have used oils and like the fact that they don't dry as fast
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Do you have any goals for your painting?
To go forward from where I am :) I am retired and took up painting about 3 years ago. I have taken some courses and am taking the Virtual Art Academy courses. So, I am working at it.

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  • Chuck Warner

    Hello Margo,  Thank you for the kind words about my "Rainbow" scratch..  I am loving this medium and the ability to be as detail as I please!  :)   Doing work for people of their pets is a wonderful thing, giving them lasting memories of, basically, members of the family.  So I try to pay attention to details.   The fine lines are achieved by using a very fine and sharp tipped tool to do the scratching with.  As for the color, I scratch the entire piece first and them apply a light coat of watercolor paint.  When dry I scratch again and then another coat of w/c paint.  I do this, depending on the work, 3-4 scratches and 2-3 paint applications.  Last scratch is to do highlights and eyes..  I hope this helps..  I started painting 6 yrs ago and scratch art 5 months ago.  

    Thanks again, Chuck  :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Margo,  Glad you found it interesting.  I've really been taken by scratch art.  And started doing commission Pet Portraits.  I've also started teaching classes on scratch art also... hahahhahahaha    and I'm retired... :)   Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

     Hello again Margo.  Retirement has given me the opportunity to do something I've always wanted to do and that is paint.  Started out 6 yrs ago with acrylics and then oils, 6 months each.  Tried watercolors and I was hooked...  So I've been messing around with watercolors for 5 yrs.  Started scratch art 5 months ago..  It's a giant learning experience..  I love learning and the thrill of seeing physical improvement...  What an ego boost...  How long have you been painting?    Chuck  :)   XX