Charles Post


Houston, TX

United States

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Kandinski, Matisse, Erin Cone
Do you have any goals for your painting?
Professional level to sell paintings

Comment Wall:

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  • Chuck Warner

    Hello Charles, thank you for your nice comments about my ink/wash of the old barn.  I appreciate your analysis of my work, and your understanding of it.  I do love to do old structures, what tales they could tell us if only they could talk, but they do allow us to use our imaginations to make up stories!  Chuck  :)

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Thank you for your friend request Charles, very happy to accept.  I have really enjoyed looking through your portfolio, your work is very exciting and inspirational :-}}

  • Roena King

    Thank you for the lovely comment on my painting, The Fall Stream. Roena