Sarah Bottjer



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Changeable !
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Do you have any goals for your painting?
I have been painting for over twenty years, but I want to push myself that little bit more with oils as they are my weakest area.
What's your website address? (If any)
http://Coming soon!

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  • Chuck Warner

    Thank you, I've been doing scratch art since last November.  While driving around Southern England, I think it was in Kent, we met an artist I had been talking with and who was a scratch artist..  She showed me scratching and well I got the 'itch' and have been scratching ever since..  Chuck :)  xx

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Sarah,  I'm glad that these "Memories" works are making you and others remember back to childhoods and having a smile on their faces..  that's my intention, to produce smiles!  Chuck  :)  XX

  • Elizabeth D. Smith

    Your paintings are beautiful Sarah. Thank you for commenting on River Road Flood