Oil on cavas 24" by 20". This is Blithedale Canyon in Mill Valley, Marin County, CA. The trees are all coastal redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens of the cypress family). These are the tallest living trees in the world (up to 379 feet tall) and can live 1200 to 1800 years. Prior to extensive logging that started in the 1850s they covered over 2 million acres along the Pacific Coast of Northern California and Southern Oregon. Over 95% or them are gone, but many of the remaining trees are now protected in public lands.

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Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on August 5, 2013 at 11:37

Thanks Laura.  Stu

Comment by Laura Xu on August 5, 2013 at 10:10
This is my vacation house! Always like your painting Stu!
Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on August 5, 2013 at 6:28

Silvana, your painting is really progressing well for only a year of painting.  If you enjoy it, your children probably will pick it up later in life.  In a large survey of artists by the art materials manufacturer's trade association several years ago found that the most important determinant of whether someone later in life painted or drew was early exposure and encouragement as a child; this was true whether the artist was an amateur or a professional.  I never pushed my children because I was not painting or drawing much when they were younger.  I had started painting as a  young child and was encouraged by my mother, but I stopped painting when I was pursuing my education.  When children see me painting outdoors, I always encourage them and sometimes let them put some paint on my panel.  Several weeks ago, a friend that I paint  outdoors with gave the painting she was working on to a young boy who came up and admired it.   I bought my daughter's two girls paintboxes, table easels and a set of acrylic paints for Christmas one year.  Yesterday when I was out painting plein air andother painting friend had his two granddauters painting the same scene he was painting; he drew the sketch on their canvases and helped them mix the colors; they painted the scene.   Every little encouragement helps.    Stu

Comment by Silvana M Albano on August 5, 2013 at 5:43

Well, That's great! I am also the only one who paints, but as I have started a year ago,it doesn't really count! :) Every now and then, my children take a brush and paint, my daughter, who is almost 11 more than my son, who is 13... But they can always start later in life! 

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on August 5, 2013 at 4:59

Thanks Mario and thank you Silvana.  I am certain that you do transmit your love of nature to your students.  Everyone in my family teaches; my son is a pediatric surgeon at a large medical school; my daughter has her masters degree in public health and teaches; and my wife is a primary school teacher.  I am the only one of the four of us who paints, but I am passing that on to my grandchildren.    Stu

Comment by Silvana M Albano on August 5, 2013 at 4:51

Hey Stu! I really appreciate you taking the time for commenting and teaching me about education in the US!!! I really hope to be able to travel some day! The only time I've been to the US, was because of a scholarship!!! :)    I love travelling, but teacher salaries are not really the best ...  I do consider my job important though ... and I always hope that my love for Nature is transmitted in each of my classes, and that if my students ever have to decide, they decide correctly...(envionmentally speaking...)

You MUST come to Argentina some day. It is really beautiful. We travel around Argentina a lot, and camping is a good quite cheap option, there are also some free camping sites, where one is immersed in Nature, but there are each time less... 

Knowing another language, is quite important, at least it is for me... It has given me my job! I also know a bit of French learnt at school and Slovene. My roots, from my Mother's side are Slovenian, and she taught me Slovene, though she died 20 y ago, and the language in me got rusty...

Comment by mario alberto velazquez on August 5, 2013 at 4:27

wonderful painting!!  nice scene rural...shadows and lights on the road are striking...

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on August 5, 2013 at 2:59

College is the same as University.   We have two levels of secondary school here; 3 years of middle school, ages 11 to 14, and high school, ages 15 to 18.  Then SAT tests (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and 4 years of higher education at a College (smaller than a university) or University toward a bachelor's  (BA or BS) degree.  Much the same.  Yes teenagers are teenagers the world over.   And no wonder your English is so good!  My Spanish is almost nonexistent.  I took Latin and French in high school, German in College and conversational Italian later on and almost never use these languages, except when I travel.  My daughter's husband is 1/2 Puerto Rican, 1/2 Peruvian and grew up in Southern California.  He speaks Spanish, French and English fluently and needs his Spanish for business.   I am envious of this.  Thanks for sharing; you have a very important job.  Someday bring your family to see California, it has some amazing natural wonders.  One day, I hope to visit Argentina; I have never been south of Mexico.  Stu

Comment by Silvana M Albano on August 5, 2013 at 2:43

Yes it is! I am a biologist and also have a teaching degree which allows me to teach in secondary schools and university. (Not sure what 'college' is...) In my country, children from 12-13 to 17-18 go to secondary school, and then they go to university to study what they choose. I teach students from secondary school, i.e. I have students in the age range from 12 to 18... not easy ages at all!!!!! And I teach them Biology,(in English- in bilingual schools) and get them ready for their IGCSE exams (which are International Cambridge Examinations).

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on August 4, 2013 at 15:21
Thanks, Silvana, for the info about the flags and the trees. Where do you teach? Is it at the high school or college level? I have an undergraduate degree in biology from college and I am a surgeon and teach medical students. Small world. Stu


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