Acrylics on paper. 19x24 cm. Really liked the palette, and enjoyed painting this...!!! Critiques welcome!

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Comment by Rose Wang on May 25, 2014 at 10:42
Beautiful Colorado.
Comment by Robin Sage on May 25, 2014 at 10:20
I love your colours Silvana and the impact they have!
Comment by Michael J. Severin on May 25, 2014 at 5:10

Nice job Silvana.  I like the bits of warm you put into the blue shadows.  Your tree is vibrant and holds are attention..well done.  Suggestions:  paint a few dabs of brightly lit leaves over some of the tree trunks to give the feeling of form life, there would be leaves in front of the trunks and branches.  On your background hill ..something I have mentioned a lot ..avoid concave lines ..use a series of convex lines.   When you paint blue ..put the other 2 primary colors into it ..very small amounts ..of course ..your blues are a little too intense ..if the blues were toned down, you tree would pop even more.  You have a warm ocher grass, the blue shadow must relate to that you could put some of the tree color into the blue an example...or ocher into the blue want that to be a little grayer.  BTW, I really like the way we can see the continuation of the mountain behind the trees!! ..excellent!! ...Okay, pretty good painting, my friend to you later.

Comment by Ann Turner on May 25, 2014 at 4:58

Love your bright and beautiful tree !

Comment by Cristina Mihailescu on May 25, 2014 at 4:45

Beautiful work dear Silvana, love the vivid colors!!


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