Oil on stretched canvas 16" by 20 ". My son's 3 kids enjoying themselves after a walk last Thanksgiving. 3 1/2, 6, and 9 years old. 3 peas in a pod! I am taking this to my son in Wisconsin.

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Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on August 17, 2013 at 6:02

Thank you Daria.  My son lives in Whitefish Bay and is a pediatric surgeon at Wisconsin Children's Hospital at the Medical College of Wisconsin.  He's on call over the weekend and my wife and I are driving to Spring Green to see Taliesin, Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio; we have not been there before.  We have spent a fair amount of time in Wisconsin; my son went to med school at MCW and after his general surgery residency did his pediatric surgery fellowship at MCW and now is an attending surgeon there.  He doesn't know that I have painted this and is going to be surprised.  We will be sure to have some Wisconsin ice cream while we are there with these kids and my son and his wife.  Madison has other attractions as well I am sure; the college campus is beautiful.   Stu

Comment by Darya Vassina on August 17, 2013 at 5:32

Stu, lovely! But you should know that the best ice cream is in Wisconsin (I became a Madisonian because of it! :-)))


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