Basics Needed - and I really mean Basics!

Hi, I realized that with all Richard's wonderful info on color and lighting, I would love to see something on 'how to prime a canvas'.  I have painted on art store canvas for years, and never liked the way the paint 'fades' into the weave.  Maybe its time to learn!  Hope to hear from you soon - all the best, Robere

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Comment by Robert Gross on February 13, 2011 at 15:26

Randy, thanks for the input - I never thought about using charcoal dust to reveal the places needing a 'touch up'.

Great info !!

Comment by Randy Fanger on February 11, 2011 at 21:05
No long term promises here but so far, so good.  Like my boards, I use Zinzers primer.  And like Pete said, sand between coats.  Only I wait at least 2-days between sandings, so its a dry sand and not filling up my sandpaper. Sanding with 360 or 400 grit.  Let sit for 2 weeks to stabilize then final sand with 500.  Wipe some charcoal dust to give yourself a visual of where to sand and remove heavier scratches.  This is especially good on board.


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