Bryan Mark Taylor's The Master's Mind

Hi All!  I keep looking at this video and contemplating whether to purchase or not.  Just wondering if anyone is familiar with it, has used it (or know of anyone who has), and whether it was found useful or not?

 I know I should be making a schedule of certain areas to work on, but don't know where to begin, or what areas to work on or thought this might help.

Thanks for your input!

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Comment by Candi Hogan on January 28, 2017 at 11:15

Thanks Stuart, perhaps I will take Michael up on the offer, or just pick up on my own then! So glad your drought is over, just hope you don't get any mudslides!  I'll surprise you guys one of these days, as really want to get back up  the California Coast now that we have our travel trailer.  Would love to meet, paint with, break bread, and sip a little wine with you guys, and Laura too! (and any of our other CA artist friends!)

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on January 28, 2017 at 8:17

Thanks for directing me to Michael's comments Candi; I did not buy the video for that reason, because I too have always used "chunking" to learn new skills in surgery, sports, art and intellectual pursuits!  Bryan is energetic and gives a great talk, so you might want to take Michael up on his offer.  I hope to get up to the Sierras to paint with Michael this Spring after some of our record snowpack has started to melt.   We are getting record rain and snow all over the state and this morning's papers had an article indicating that the drought is over for almost 1/2 of the state and that Governor Jerry Brown will lift drought water restrictions for part or all of California in April.   Good news for all our forests and agriculture businesses!  This should certainly help California's economy for the next few years.  Come visit!!!

Comment by Candi Hogan on January 25, 2017 at 17:48

Thanks Stuart, Michael answered this also and he has the video. I knew it was about "chunking", was just wondering whether it gave specifics on what tasks to "chunk". Michael answered me on my post for this month'workshop, you can see what he said there.  

I do like Bryan's work, might have to check it out! Appreciate your input Stuart!

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on January 25, 2017 at 17:26

Candi, although I have not seen this video, I did hear Bryan give an hour talk on this topic two years ago at the Plein Air Convention and it was a terrific talk.  In his talk he made his points about how our brains learn as applied to art and the importance of practicing small segments of new tasks (chunking) to cement what we are learning.  I also know him personally, and although I have not taken a workshop from him, several artist friends have and were quite pleased with his teaching style in the workshops that they took from him.     These videos are pricey, but I think this one is probably worth it if you want to accelerate your learning.


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