"Laniakea Studies" 12x24" Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson

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Had lots of fun with this today. Photoshopped the plein air piece from yesterday darkening all the midtones which looked quite dramatic so I painted the study on the left, not copying the screen but just with the idea of darkening the mid values and leaving the lights. Compressing the mid values allows you more vibrant colours because as you add white colours naturally lose saturation and also cool slightly. So then I went the other way and lightened all the midtones leaving only a few dark darks and then slightly warming the whole painting which was the trickiest part - like transposing a piece of music on the fly. Interesting having the two studies in the one canvas. Much happier with the midtones in the clouds in the second one and although I did push them a little pinker I don't think it hurts it too much. I find it easier to think of my clouds as very boxy constructions with clearly defined planes and then just soften off areas that don't want attention. That way I can just say okay this is the colour for the lights, this is the colour for the halftones and this is the shadow side. Too confusing otherwise. Once that's done I make a few additional hue variations for the sake of interest and light effects and try to leave it alone after that. What do you think of this as a whole piece? Interesting to get your feedback.

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Comment by Ngaire Lincoln on September 24, 2012 at 12:06

I liked the subtlety of the colours in the painting on the right. The colours draw you through and beyond just the beach creating a sense of unity and serenity. The colours in the first study wind me up.

Comment by Idan Solomon on August 31, 2012 at 7:25
well... I love them both but my heart goes with the right one.
It is true that the colors of the left one makes the feeling more "jumpy"
but it makes me an untrue feeling and unrealistic. I find the right one very calm, and very harmonized and balanced. But that's only my conservative approach. Anyway they are both lovely !
Comment by Melanie Harbin on August 30, 2012 at 20:26

Ok, duh, silly me,it's one painting. It's late...I need to go to bed. I will catch on eventually. I like that idea.

Comment by Melanie Harbin on August 30, 2012 at 20:13

Very nice! I like these. The warm one is my favorite and makes me feel like a warm breezy morning walk on that beach. Love the pink in the sky. The colors in the other one are beautiful and exciting and makes me feel more like beach party! Both are very good but I see one thing jumping out at me in the cooler one. Maybe it is the value of the beach is competing with the sky? I don't know if you planned it that way or not and you know I am not much of a landscape gal so I am probably wrong about a lot of stuff. They are both great paintings!


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