"Ko'olina Lagoon" 12x12" Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson

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Had a great morning painting with the gang on the west coast of Oahu. Although the colour in my painting looks really pushed compared to the photos here when I was there I wasn't pushing the colours in a huge way - honest I wasn't! Maybe I was just so happy to be painting here I put in happy pretty colours everywhere. :-) Anyway I sure was slapping the paint on with abandon and had great fun doing it. That's Lynne Boyer I painted painting out on the rocks (in the sun!) and here's Mark Brown ripping out another cracker.

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Comment by Tammy Stahl on September 1, 2012 at 4:31

Ah memories...we were there, staying at Ko'Olina, last September for my birthday.  Such an awesome trip.  Hope everyone is having a glorious time there.  Wish I could be there to paint along with you all!!  Aloha!

Comment by Idan Solomon on August 31, 2012 at 19:06

You always succeed taking an non special scene or photo and bring it to life ! Since I got to know with your paintings I look at photos deifferently. In the past, I was looking at a photo and didn't find anything special about it, but today I look at a photo and try to find its uniqueness and to imagine : "what if... I took this photo and accent the colors or the shadows and make it something of my own". People give too much importance to copying nature and not to be inspired by nature.


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