I would like to say HELLOW to everyone at The Complete Artist and thank those responsible for my acceptance.

There are a few things, blogging and chatting that are new to me and I hope you will bare with me. The fact that I am here I hope shows that I am working on them.

I invite all having questions, regarding my art, to fee free to contact me. You'll find that I am here to share that what Iv'e learnt. I call it Payback time.



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Comment by kenneth l karl on July 10, 2013 at 2:18

Thanks Ian

Glad you enjoyed my website. The PLAN that I am working on is to post details of future works on my website blog rather then here. I feel with this website offering art instruction, it wouldn't be right for me to get into that area nor do I feel qualified. I'm really just a painter stumbling along like everyone else.

But what I do know i will be glad to share. Feel free to e-mail me if you have a specific question as you go along.  

Take care


Comment by kenneth l karl on July 7, 2013 at 22:33

HI, I think this is what you might consider doing to get you headed in the right direction. 1: Join a local artist group that will advise and support your learning. Don't go it alone. 2: Being able to draw well is KEY to being able to PAINT.. With pad and pencils, spend as much tine learning this skill. Everything else will fall into place. Anything that catches your eye, draw it. By doing this you will learn about Value, the next stepping stone. Then comes Color. By this time you will feel confident and start to work with your medium; Oils, Watercolors Acrylics. Buy the best  you can afford.but keep it simple. A limited color palette of 3 to 6 colors is best to learn color mixing. Seek out local people, artist, that you admirer. Together this will be the start you need to go forward in YOUR art.


Comment by Silvana M Albano on July 6, 2013 at 9:58

Kenneth, I think I need about 485 to go...???? :) I have just painted what I have posted, and some 4-5 more... So I suppose it'll be years and years.... but I don't mind!!! The only photo which is mine are the ones of the paintings....And I Do have a terrible time when photographing them, as it's difficult for me to get an exact representation of the paintings! They are close enough, but not exact!

If you wish to post pictures,you can see at the right the title Photos, and below the photos which are sliding through, 'Add Photos' can be read. You can click on that , and post the photos.

Comment by kenneth l karl on July 6, 2013 at 7:47

Hello Silvana, This is day one here for me and as I said, blogging.I had a peek at your posted works and i have to say your photography is spot on. Your paintings arrant far behind. The best advice I can give right now is, Paint, Paint and Paint. It all starts to come together around painting number 501. I'm not sure how to go about any of this right now and any ideas would be welcome. As i get the hang of uploading things I'll try to post somethings Id like to share.


Comment by Silvana M Albano on July 6, 2013 at 6:48

Welcome Kenneth! I'll really like to learn from you! I am quite new at painting and also at this site.....! I am sure many people will appreciate and treasure your knowledge!


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