My name is Pauline but everyone calls me Polly. I joined up a few days ago but i've been so busy working and entertaining my family this is the first chance i've had to say hello.  I love to paint using pastels and i find that i seem to be able to express colour far easier in this medium.  The pastel pallet is so colourful and the painting so instant.  Although, since i found Richard's site and received his fantastic daily painting tips i have been using oils again.  I'd forgotten how rich and creamy they were.  I'm loving looking at all the wonderful work you produce and am looking forward to getting to grips with the workshops.  I love receiving constructive criticism and i know it will make me concentrate and hopefully work a bit harder in order to develope a better technique.

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Hello!  Welcome to the neighborhood.  Everyone here is very kind and encouraging, and HELPFUL.  I look forward to seeing your works and progress.  I am learning a lot here and with the videos.  Take care! : )

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