I realized that one of the joys of painting is to re-state what you personally see God creating around you and then you also become "a creator" too. The lake near us has some amazing clusters of water lilies....

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Beautifully done Deb.  Thank you for sharing with us.
Lorna, thanks so much.

Wow!! This is such a beautiful painting,  I love your colours and the light shining through the leaves.

I agree with your statement as well.

Thanks, Delyse. Richard has really helped me with light and I still need to learn much more. Glad you know the Creator! :D
I really loved your statement under this painting. We have a wonderful Creator! You have rendered this creation very well.
Thanks for your comment, Hazel. So lovely to meet so many who love Him.

And this is an amazing painting.............Awesome! The Creator has blessed  us! Smiles coming your way......: ))

Thanks for sharing your view of the creation. I have said many times, we are just mini creators "made in His image".

Thanks, Ron. Just returned from the Philippines' mission trip. The jetlag had me up at sunrise almost every morning. I couldn't get mad about that when I saw the most amazing painted skies. Our room over looked the mountain valley and it was the perfect place for watching the sun come up. Sure hope I can paint  a canvas that at least in a small way reflects God's Glory. It was a big WOW! Blessings to you!

Fantastic!!!  Thanks for sharing.



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