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Terry, I laughed a little when I said red/green just wondering if you would get a raised eyebrow. Sorry, to lazy to get the munsells wheel that I use too, and I dont have it memorized. // I am going to paint that orange again. I painted a cube the same color of orange as the fruit. Just one more spot on this canvas (4 places that I have painted on) for B&W, then I am starting color. I was also hanging out in B&W for my good buddy, Gail, to play catchup and we could do the color together. Gail has been busy winning several 1st places at 2 different art shows......Go Gail! I hope it is OK for me to brag on you among our friends here. Ro

Ro, No need to memorize compliments, as there are only 3 primaries. The opposite of a colour is the other 2, aarrrh gosh!, Terry
Roena King said:
Terry, I laughed a little when I said red/green just wondering if you would get a raised eyebrow. Sorry, to lazy to get the munsells wheel that I use too, and I dont have it memorized. // I am going to paint that orange again. I painted a cube the same color of orange as the fruit. Just one more spot on this canvas (4 places that I have painted on) for B&W, then I am starting color. I was also hanging out in B&W for my good buddy, Gail, to play catchup and we could do the color together. Gail has been busy winning several 1st places at 2 different art shows......Go Gail! I hope it is OK for me to brag on you among our friends here. Ro

OK here is my "Plan B" as I have decided to call it. Two oranges and a lemon as a second attempt. I used my new toy - A Golden Rectangle to help me set up the composition, and I set up differrent value blocks to judge my values before I started. ///// Here is the site if you wish to read about the Golden Rectangle and see how to make one. It is used to set up still life compositions. I read it many times and did not understand it until I finally made one and started looking at paintings. I broke the top off of a CD case as it is just about the right size and crystal clear. I copied the example exactly rather than trying to make my own. Ro

Ro, Going great. Will have to check out your golden triangle sounds interesting, Terence
Roena King said:

OK here is my "Plan B" as I have decided to call it. Two oranges and a lemon as a second attempt. I used my new toy - A Golden Rectangle to help me set up the composition, and I set up differrent value blocks to judge my values before I started. ///// Here is the site if you wish to read about the Golden Rectangle and see how to make one. It is used to set up still life compositions. I read it many times and did not understand it until I finally made one and started looking at paintings. I broke the top off of a CD case as it is just about the right size and crystal clear. I copied the example exactly rather than trying to make my own. Ro
You guys may be perfect but I am not! I fixed the stupid table! LOL Why don't I notice these little things before I post them????? Ro

Cezanne did that sort of thing all the time and they said he was a genius, Terry
Roena King said:
You guys may be perfect but I am not! I fixed the stupid table! LOL Why don't I notice these little things before I post them????? Ro

Terry, I seem to not be able to win for losing! If I had have left it alone everyone would have thought I was a genius (NOT-they would have laughed at "me".). Paints not dry, I can change it back........LOL. Ro

Your own faith in yourself is all you have to rely on in art or in life for that matter, Just cruise right past anything that has a light scent of critism, and keep on keeping on in the face of adversity. As an artist you will develope an increased sensitivity to things around you that sadly includes unfriendly fire. Even friendly fire even will unsettle you. It's the price you have to pay for the love of nature which can be seen from the type of art you convey. You also have a responsibility to keep on conveying beauty in art for the benefit of everyone, and the work you poduce is sometimes compered to having childen as a similar emotional involvement. Peace beauty and perfection sometime attracts the envy of the imperfect. Check out the history of Adolf Hitler an unrecognised artist. Errrm I'm curious what does LOL stand for, Terry
Roena King said:
Terry, I seem to not be able to win for losing! If I had have left it alone everyone would have thought I was a genius (NOT-they would have laughed at "me".). Paints not dry, I can change it back........LOL. Ro
Terry, LOL is pure internet or texting short cut for laugh out loud. I just had to ask the other day what was RITFLOL......roll in the floor laugh out loud. There are so many abreviations it is amazing the complete words U can leave out. R U understanding this 2 day? Makes typing so much easier. I just saw a documentary the other day about Hitler and him being an artist. Ro
Hi Guys,
Just a quick note; as I have to return to the farm shortly.
Ro - don't wait for me to catch up - it is never going to happen in the next few weeks. Just too much to do looking after our friend's farm and travelling all the way back home again to make sure everything here is surviving too!

Terry - I'm really glad you are there at the moment, to help Ro with these lessons. She is so dedicated to learning everything right! She needs a medal! Plus another Aussie in the mix doesn't go astray! ROTFLOL!! :-)) (That's - Rolling On The Floor - Laughing Out Loud)

To all the others particpating or just reading - just do it! Once you are over the first hurdle - the rest are easy!!
Hi everyone, I have pressed on to the color part. I used some artist license and fun on the reflections. I fiddled with it, checked my values on Photoshop Elements, and finally said, "Enough is enough". I am very sorry to report that I just "have not got it" to adjust the colors per the course. Maybe I need to watch the video again, because I was only looking at the printed out notes. I will keep trying though since RR says it is important to learn. sigh...... I do hope you like my happy, colorful painting. There is also some lost and found edges as encouraged on my other paintings. All comments are welcome.......let's talk art! Ro

I don't see anything wrong with this study Roena, what was it you weren't happy with?

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