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Im having a hard time seeing values when it is two diffrent colors ?????
Hi John, yes it's pretty tricky isn't it!? I think most people have a lot of trouble with that. I'm still learning too so don't take my word for gospel on this, but here are a few ideas to help:

1. Don't worry, this WILL get easier with practice.
2. Squint. This helps remove a bit of color with your eyelashes.
3. If they appear to be very similar and you can't decide which is lighter or darker, just make them the same.
4. View your subject through a digital camera set to black and white mode.
5. View your subject in a black mirror. (Paint the back of a small piece of glass or perspex with black, tape the edges so you don't bleed on it - voila, black mirror.)
6. Use your color checker to compare the colors through the little holes - isolating the colors from their surroundings makes it much easier.
7. Try practicing with little color swatches side by side, or on the computer if you can manage it with photoshop or even word for windows will do it.
8. Practice everywhere you go, and take your color checker with you.

Hope that helps.

ps. what did you think of chapter 4? I haven't had any feedback yet.

john said:
Im having a hard time seeing values when it is two diffrent colors ?????
Hi Richard, Ch. 4 is looking good I am making cubes at the moment and re-watching the lessons... One question before I begin painting... What are you painting these exercises on? Do I need to blow through canvas stocks for these or is there an alternative? Thanks again for doing these lessons!
Thanks Amy, I was just using canvas board. Use anything that's not too absorbent - that takes the joy out of painting.

Amy Hinson said:
Hi Richard, Ch. 4 is looking good I am making cubes at the moment and re-watching the lessons... One question before I begin painting... What are you painting these exercises on? Do I need to blow through canvas stocks for these or is there an alternative? Thanks again for doing these lessons!
Hey all,

I will be joining in an all of the fun! I to, like Amy, am busy making the cubes. I have been fighting my old photo printer which I think I just need to replace! It refuses to print gray!

Instead I am making my cubes out of wood and mixing my oil paint to match the colors/values of the cubes on my computer monitor. I have completed the value cubes and will be starting the color cubes in the next day or so. I will post some pictures when they are complete. I figure the wooden ones will last longer than the paper ones at my house. With 5 children ages new born to 12, I need things to be as bullet proof as possible!

I just bought the mastering color this morning and ready to get hands on after this holidays
Hi Brandon and Lou, great to have you on board. Let us know how your exercises go - would be great to see them.
I made it through the holidays and finally got my color cubes completed. You can check them out at my blog post at Instead of using the paper ones I decided to make wooden ones. I have 5 children and the paper cubes would last...uhmm...about...30 seconds! It was fun and really made me work to match the colors on the lesson cubes. Some were easier than others...Really fought the violets!

Now I am ready to start into the other lessons. I will post some pics of each lesson as I complete them. Thanks for taking the time to create these lessons Richard!

Brandon Nixon
Another thing - we tend to think high chroma colors are lighter than they actually are, and we think low chroma colors are darker than they actually are.
Hi Brandon, cool video you made! Very professional. Thinking of featuring it in a blog - will add it to my list.
I just start working in the first project creating the color charts and I'm shock seeing all those beautyfull colors you can create with few basic colors
Awesome - good on you for doing it Lou - it's a great teacher.

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