I am rather certain that all of us feel this way -- and this thought may have been posted already, if not literally, at least figuratively, but I need to write it out, nonetheless.  I would like to offer this posting as a tribute to Richard for making this website and putting his heart and soul into something that I truly care about.

This little website has become my escape, my hide-away.  I come here a lot -- whenever work gets to be too much or my world just gets to be too hectic.  I drop whatever I'm doing, and I hang out RIGHT HERE.  I love your artwork -- all of you. I love the comments and lessons.  I love the fact that we all love to paint and share our passion for art with each other -- whether a hobby or even a profession.  (I know a few of you are not "starving artists.")

I am a life-long engineer and came from a world of stoicism and straight lines and perfectly flat planes.  As different from my reality as anything can be, art has become my peaceful place and my escape.  And, I will tell you that I truly love this stuff.  It gives me peace inside.  Maybe someday, perhaps many years from now, somebody will look at something that I have created and feel the same way.

Thank you, Richard, for sharing your world with us and giving us such a nice place to share our love of art.

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clap, clap, clap................Roena

You Nailed it! I am a Real Estate Broker that works long hours.  I will take a break and watch a clip and center myself in short order...... I just joined, and think this is the best!

I just started painting a few months ago and am amazed at the artwork on this website. I look forward to learning and improving in my new found hobby. I also have found it to be a great way to escape the day and relax. Aloha, DJ =)

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