Hello Everyone,
I am very new to this blog/forum, and I have already received to emails
from two members. I came to the forum and saw not much is happening here
so I thought I would post an introduction to possibly get some interest
going here. I love forums they are great places to share all kinds of
ideas and information.

So here is the deal, if your going to have a forum, you probably want to know a little about the people you are talking to.

Then here goes! I live in Prospect Park PA, USA19076, Google it... I
have been a graphic designer for most of my adult life and I have always
considered myself an artist as well. Recently I made it official. I
left my job of 13 years to become a pro-artist (if there is such a
thing). It's a scary thought, but my family (so far) supports me in the
decision. I plan to freelance graphic design for a while until I can get
my art feet moving along.

I found this site by accident, and I so far I am loving all the work I
have seen posted here. I love to talk so this looks like a great
FRIENDLY place to talk with other artist around the world.

I hope to be talking and creating some real good topic on art here very soon... AND Please introduce yourselves.

Hope I did not write more than the limit...OR...maybe this is the wrong
place to post...if so, then where are you guys and gals?

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I don’t think I am very glamorous compared to some of the professionals on this site, but here goes. I am self taught and 30+ years ago I taught oils, WC, and WC with gouache. It was a very small town. I won a few awards and had some one woman shows at the local bank. My life changed, and I did not paint again until 2000 when I painted Sandra’s Iris Picture in WC. April 2009 I started to paint in oils again. I did not remember how to do anything. Since that time I have been trying to teach myself about color and about composition using Edgar Payne’s book, The Composition of Outdoor Painting. Richard’s Color Class is my second online class on color, and I am enjoying it very much. I like to help people, and I like for people to help me. I am open to any and all feedback to help me improve my paintings. My desire is to be a landscape artist that is skilled in color and semi-impressionism. My husband and I are retired. We have lived in an RV motor home since 1998. We travel all the time and currently we are touring the state of New Mexico in the USA. Many of my paintings are of places we have been. Roena King (Ro)
Hi Roana, It's Peni. Were you in a conversation somewhere on "The Complete Artist" about two weeks ago when someone was discussing "The Morning Papers" About a self help book on being more affectively creative with you entire life and being. Something like that. I was interested but now I don't know who was talking about it. Do you?
Hi Morgan,
I am very new to blogs and such butI like your friendly approach so, you have tempted be to respond!
I am so determined to become a good artist but I find the most difficult problem is being too critical of my own work. Maybe that is a good thing as one continues to strive for something better.
I just wonder how many "failures" one does before the masterpiece appears??
I definately love oils and wonder someone didnt advise me to use them a year ago when I started going along to a small art group. They all used acrylics which drives me to despair, even using an extender with them they just dont flow like oils.
I have decide that I love nature and this amazing world we live in so much that I really do want to portray the beauty and different moods of the land and sea scapes and the different seasons.
talk again soon.
Linda, I have no idea how long it takes to paint a masterpiece, but I am a firm believer in this statement, "You learn something important with every painting, even if it is what not to do." From my past experience, it just happens, one day you are proud of the one you painted. If you are proud of it, could it not be considered a masterpiece? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder sort of thing. Just keep on keeping on.....Ro

Linda Cooper said:
Hi Morgan,
I am very new to blogs and such butI like your friendly approach so, you have tempted be to respond!
I am so determined to become a good artist but I find the most difficult problem is being too critical of my own work. Maybe that is a good thing as one continues to strive for something better.
I just wonder how many "failures" one does before the masterpiece appears??
I definately love oils and wonder someone didnt advise me to use them a year ago when I started going along to a small art group. They all used acrylics which drives me to despair, even using an extender with them they just dont flow like oils.
I have decide that I love nature and this amazing world we live in so much that I really do want to portray the beauty and different moods of the land and sea scapes and the different seasons.
talk again soon.
Hi Morgan,
I have always been into art and horses - so far back that I cannot remember being without either. I think my life began with both!
Like Ro and her husband, my husband & I are retired too.
We belong to two local Hot Rod Clubs. We have had a long break away from cars due to our work commitments in the past. We sold our 1949-50 Ford Single Spinner (original)back in the late 80's. We are now making a return to Rods. My husband has a '56 Ford pick-up, and is about to start on a Rat Rod with the basis being a '29 Studebaker Sedan. We found it out on a farm with the roof cut off. :-(
The W-I-P painting in my gallery(completed & framed) was recently presented as a prize in a Show'n' Shine orgaized by one of our Clubs.

I used to do air-brushed murals on vehicles, but haven't done anything like that in over 25 years now. Just stick to regular brush painting.
My aim is to now spend time REALLY learning how to become a better artist.

My name is Peni Baker. Let me introduce myself by saying - I was born and raised in Miami, Florida. After spending some time in Texas and Virginia, I settled in the beautiful coastal village of Sebastian, Florida. I am single, active, busy, and happy. My creativity revealed itself when I was old enough to hold crayons in my hands. As a small child, I was awestruck by “Paint by Numbers” kits. When I was fortunate enough to receive one, I wanted to just crawl up inside that canvas and paint for eternity. Currently I spend most of my time painting or making my youtube painting videos and trying to fine tune my blog. I have enjoyed creating successful paintings thru out my entire life. I am an active member of my Sebastian River Art Club. Today I think I strike a happy medium in my artwork. As a strong and independent women, I am sometimes a little too serious and I also have a silly, frivolous side that I believe reveals itself well in my realistic and spirited paintings. I’m adventurous and I am excited to see in what direction my painting talent will lead me.
Since I wrote this biography last year, I have begun a "do it yourself" website. It's not so do it yourself but one of the girls on this site told me to consider it a piece of art. I am.
Hi My name is Maylon Clarke. I am a proud South African, the rainbow nation, I live at the very tip of Africa, in the most beautiful place, google it, Cape Town. I am married going on 40 yrs, to the SAME man. Cant believe it myself sometimes, have 3 grandchildren who I love dearly. Like Gail I also love horses and have been involved with them my whole life, art unfortunately got left by the wayside, although I have always considered myself an artist. it is only in the last year,. that I have realised (wake up call) how much I do not know. I have always just painted, thought that is what you are supposed to do, I knew nothing about colour, values, composition or anything really. Somehow I have managed to paint a few that others have liked and bought from me. I have been back at art going on 3 yrs now, after a long lay off, due to my family and children, who I loved, horses and real life getting in the way. So all in all I have done about 5yrs of art in all that time. I now regret, not at least doing a bit in between. I now feel a certain urgency to improve my art, and that is why I like it here and other similar boards. I have personally learned more here on the internet than anywhere.
I am also excited about where my art is going and i feel very blessed to have such a wonderful rewarding pastime, creating, and learning and improving, with the help of lots of wonderful friends on line.
My passion is actually watercolour, which is addictive, but due to the fact that they are not as popular here, absolutely ridiculous as far as I am concerned, but it is the truth, so I am now also trying acrylics, as they are very versatile,and can be used either thickly or like watercolours. I also love oils but finding the time to learn and grow in all three is a challenge for me. I will go on doing them occasionally, as I love the feel of them. I am also spending time learning all I can while painting, as I feel we learn best by doing, and that is exactly what I do, paint daily if possible.
I am very new to this page, and am happy to introduce myself. My name is Holly, I live in Arkansas, USA, and I paint with acrylic, due to allergies developed to oils... I do love acrylic now that I am used to it. I am a single mom, I homeschooled both my boys, and they were both Nation Merit Finalists. So I guess we did a good job. (They are going to college for free)...
I am disabled due to bad disks in my back, I can walk, even hike a little, which I love to do, but my greatest interest is painting.
My cat and I live alone, and I work at art when the pain isn't too bad, and have been able to sell a few things (wihich is great because the disability check is very small!)... I won first place in a show last year, which inspired me greatly, and I will paint as long as God and my health let me.
Roena, you have my dream life... I always wanted to live in an RV, but I am single now, so it probably won't happen...
So I think you are VERY glamorous... :-)
Hi Morgan, I'm a retired printer 76 and still painting. I have been to so many art classes I consider myself to be a modern version of a studio rat and have a large library of art books. It was the only way to paint when I was young and didn't have a studio. Now married with 2 grown sons I manage to join my plein air group weather permitting weekly, or paint in my unfinished studio I been building for years out the back yard or downstairs at the back of the garage. As well as being a Lithographic printer I have worked at various jobs, Road Works Labourer. Stationery and Art supplies salesman, Office Machine mechanic, Garden Dept. Sales, Printing Machine salesman, Stationery Manager, Print shop manager, Purchasing Officer, Marketing Supervisor, Milkman, School General Assistant, Prison Overseer Printing, and have taught Oil Painting nights. I have built my own boat in the studio and go fishing now and then. I'm a member of the local art society and produced the monthly magazine for 2 years and was Secretary for 2 years. I find I paint better now with a couple of old mates outdoors than in a large class. In younger times I rowed surfboats for 10 years managed to become Club Captain for a while and played rugby 'till tackled by my little lady who thinks grown men should leave painting to girls and small boys. Without much luck. I started using computers back with Windows 3 and taught it's basics along with printing. We presently have lots of bush and birds around us and are enjoying the quiet life, Terry Clare
Terry, no wonder you are a walking library of art knowledge. What you left out was that you are an amazingly kind person who is willing to share his expert knowledge with your many admiring friends here on this site. We are all so glad you are here! Ro
Hello everyone, just a quick intro. I have been viewing everyones artwork and are amazed at the wonderful work and soo much talent. Have found this site by accident and what a little treasure!. Have only been on this site for a few days and already given myself something to do (not really what was intended - thanks Roena:-). I don't have anything to offer anyone as I have next to no painting experience yet. So a big thank you in advance, as there will be lots of questions that will be asked.

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