Hello Everyone,
I am very new to this blog/forum, and I have already received to emails
from two members. I came to the forum and saw not much is happening here
so I thought I would post an introduction to possibly get some interest
going here. I love forums they are great places to share all kinds of
ideas and information.

So here is the deal, if your going to have a forum, you probably want to know a little about the people you are talking to.

Then here goes! I live in Prospect Park PA, USA19076, Google it... I
have been a graphic designer for most of my adult life and I have always
considered myself an artist as well. Recently I made it official. I
left my job of 13 years to become a pro-artist (if there is such a
thing). It's a scary thought, but my family (so far) supports me in the
decision. I plan to freelance graphic design for a while until I can get
my art feet moving along.

I found this site by accident, and I so far I am loving all the work I
have seen posted here. I love to talk so this looks like a great
FRIENDLY place to talk with other artist around the world.

I hope to be talking and creating some real good topic on art here very soon... AND Please introduce yourselves.

Hope I did not write more than the limit...OR...maybe this is the wrong
place to post...if so, then where are you guys and gals?

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Hello everyone!


I'm kind of an odd one here, since I actually only paint digitally ...oh..don't look at me like that ;) ...it's severe lack of space, more than anything else that keeps me from painting with oils and since I have to move I'm very much looking for a place where I can at least have a bit more light and put down an easel! The last time I painted in oils, I was about 14 years old, so it's about time!


I've only just begun to take myself more serious as an artist, and because of that I invested pretty heavily in learning materials, amongst which the lovely guide on colour. I'm just itching to do all those exercises! I realized my biggest problem (as far as colour goes)  is values and colour relationship.  I don't strive for a perfect representation of nature, veering more towards the fantastical and a more stylized form sometimes bordering on comics, or semi-realism, but it should still look somewhat convincing to say the least! 

My digital work is also much too polished, something the digital works often suffer from. I didn't mind this at first, trying to come to an understanding of details but lately I feel the need to loosen up.  I mostly paint from imagination (characters I created for stories and such) so they are often hard to capture without any reference and I tend to grossly overwork them in my attempt to make the image match with the one in my mind and the feeling they represent.


 Anyhoo, I really look forward to learning with you all. I'm just so excited about finally starting to paint in traditional media again! Wish me luck in finding a new place that does have some space. I'll be sure to keep studying and reading here until I can join you guys!

Welcome Wendelien,

Don't think of yourself as odd.  I personally would love to paint digitally.  That way I could see the colours and shapes before I commit them to paper.

I paint in watercolor and I learn so much from the "oil" folks too.

I wouldn't hesitate to put up your digital drawings.  Maybe we could learn something from you too.

Have fun and do what you enjoy doing!!


Thank you Patricia!


I followed your advice and uploaded a few things though I'll admit they feel a bit out of place. Because I've been away for a very long time, I don't have anything recent, but I guess it can't hurt to put it online and get some critiques :)

Hi Morgan,  what a great introduction.  I stumbled onto this site about a year ago and enjoy it as much if not more then facebook.  Thats an accomplishment for Richard Robinson, our founder and true New Zealand artist.    Enjoy and welcome

Hi Wendelien,

So glad you added your photo's.  I am happy you have some other comments as well.  I don't think your paintings are out of place at all.  It is art and we can all learn something from each other.

Just enjoy yourself and have fun.


Wendelien Meijer said:

Thank you Patricia!


I followed your advice and uploaded a few things though I'll admit they feel a bit out of place. Because I've been away for a very long time, I don't have anything recent, but I guess it can't hurt to put it online and get some critiques :)

Hi Wendelien,

So glad you added your photo's.  I am happy you have some other comments as well.  I don't think your paintings are out of place at all.  It is art and we can all learn something from each other.

 I think there is another artist on this site from Holland as well...  Just enjoy yourself and have fun.


Wendelien Meijer said:

Thank you Patricia!


I followed your advice and uploaded a few things though I'll admit they feel a bit out of place. Because I've been away for a very long time, I don't have anything recent, but I guess it can't hurt to put it online and get some critiques :)

Hi Morgan,

   Like you I found this site by accident!  But I love seeing the bright beautiful paintings that Richard does!  I work full time at our local hospital here in Elgin, Ill, but after lots of years of wishing and whining, my family helped me set up a little art studio called The Painting Lady 1 Art Studio in West Dundee, Ill.  I am only able to do the Studio on a part time basis, but believe me it is so WORTH IT!  Slow but sure I am getting art students for my drawing and oil painting classes/workshops!  I love working with people just starting out!  Espically children, they are totally fearless when it comes to art!  I hope to learn more from this site and from the artists on this site!!  Happy Painting!  Deborah A.  Weaver The Painting Lady 1

Roena King said:
I don’t think I am very glamorous compared to some of the professionals on this site, but here goes. I am self taught and 30+ years ago I taught oils, WC, and WC with gouache. It was a very small town. I won a few awards and had some one woman shows at the local bank. My life changed, and I did not paint again until 2000 when I painted Sandra’s Iris Picture in WC. April 2009 I started to paint in oils again. I did not remember how to do anything. Since that time I have been trying to teach myself about color and about composition using Edgar Payne’s book, The Composition of Outdoor Painting. Richard’s Color Class is my second online class on color, and I am enjoying it very much. I like to help people, and I like for people to help me. I am open to any and all feedback to help me improve my paintings. My desire is to be a landscape artist that is skilled in color and semi-impressionism. My husband and I are retired. We have lived in an RV motor home since 1998. We travel all the time and currently we are touring the state of New Mexico in the USA. Many of my paintings are of places we have been. Roena King (Ro)

deborah a weaver said: If you are traveling in New Mexico, have you gone to Georgie O'Keefes' Ghost Ranch?  Or have you been able to go to the Georgia O'Keefe Art Muesum ?

Roena King said:
I don’t think I am very glamorous compared to some of the professionals on this site, but here goes. I am self taught and 30+ years ago I taught oils, WC, and WC with gouache. It was a very small town. I won a few awards and had some one woman shows at the local bank. My life changed, and I did not paint again until 2000 when I painted Sandra’s Iris Picture in WC. April 2009 I started to paint in oils again. I did not remember how to do anything. Since that time I have been trying to teach myself about color and about composition using Edgar Payne’s book, The Composition of Outdoor Painting. Richard’s Color Class is my second online class on color, and I am enjoying it very much. I like to help people, and I like for people to help me. I am open to any and all feedback to help me improve my paintings. My desire is to be a landscape artist that is skilled in color and semi-impressionism. My husband and I are retired. We have lived in an RV motor home since 1998. We travel all the time and currently we are touring the state of New Mexico in the USA. Many of my paintings are of places we have been. Roena King (Ro)

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