Hello Everyone,
I am very new to this blog/forum, and I have already received to emails
from two members. I came to the forum and saw not much is happening here
so I thought I would post an introduction to possibly get some interest
going here. I love forums they are great places to share all kinds of
ideas and information.

So here is the deal, if your going to have a forum, you probably want to know a little about the people you are talking to.

Then here goes! I live in Prospect Park PA, USA19076, Google it... I
have been a graphic designer for most of my adult life and I have always
considered myself an artist as well. Recently I made it official. I
left my job of 13 years to become a pro-artist (if there is such a
thing). It's a scary thought, but my family (so far) supports me in the
decision. I plan to freelance graphic design for a while until I can get
my art feet moving along.

I found this site by accident, and I so far I am loving all the work I
have seen posted here. I love to talk so this looks like a great
FRIENDLY place to talk with other artist around the world.

I hope to be talking and creating some real good topic on art here very soon... AND Please introduce yourselves.

Hope I did not write more than the limit...OR...maybe this is the wrong
place to post...if so, then where are you guys and gals?

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi there Lyndia, It is a good site and I was lucky to stumble across it also. You have started well from what you have posted. Hope you get some time in to paint some more. Not easy in your earlier years specially if you are a good worker. If time is pressing paint 10x8s. Join an outdoor group and blame them for wasting a valuable persons time, Terry
Lyndia Crawford said:
Hello everyone, just a quick intro. I have been viewing everyones artwork and are amazed at the wonderful work and soo much talent. Have found this site by accident and what a little treasure!. Have only been on this site for a few days and already given myself something to do (not really what was intended - thanks Roena:-). I don't have anything to offer anyone as I have next to no painting experience yet. So a big thank you in advance, as there will be lots of questions that will be asked.
haha, well I have the group (touch rugby), will start pointing fingers next week:-) thanks for your tip.

terry clare said:

Hi there Lyndia, It is a good site and I was lucky to stumble across it also. You have started well from what you have posted. Hope you get some time in to paint some more. Not easy in your earlier years specially if you are a good worker. If time is pressing paint 10x8s. Join an outdoor group and blame them for wasting a valuable persons time, Terry
Lyndia Crawford said:
Hello everyone, just a quick intro. I have been viewing everyones artwork and are amazed at the wonderful work and soo much talent. Have found this site by accident and what a little treasure!. Have only been on this site for a few days and already given myself something to do (not really what was intended - thanks Roena:-). I don't have anything to offer anyone as I have next to no painting experience yet. So a big thank you in advance, as there will be lots of questions that will be asked.
Hi Roena, that is cool living in a motorhome. Just wanted to say that. :-) Love it. Looking forward to doing that when the kiddies are gone (not that I want them to go just yet.) Trying one out by myself in a few weeks down south, and at Christmas time with the family.
Yes, Richard, it is a great life. I get to live in places where you wake up every morning to "picture post card" scenes. Just think how handy that would be for you to do your plein aire! We do not own a home to have to repair, pay taxes, pay bills, or mow the lawn. We took all that money, and we buy gas to go to a new place! Whoooo Hoooo. Ro
Right on!!!
Hey Morgan?! Do we get any reply/response from you, or is it just to see what everyone is about?
I see you have a big website - tell us more! :-))
G'Day Morgan, Cool looking wheels you got there mate. Looks like you might be one of them tidy painters. I didn't even do my hair for my own mug shot. I will have to brush up my image soon. I do have some digital LOOMIS books I can upload if you wish to upgrade the drawing skills, Terry

Hi Linda,  I'm new to forums too, and feel the same angst about my own painting (which I need to upload at least a couple) I keep working at it, but progress is so slow.   I have not been brave enough to use oils, and the easy clean up of acrylics keeps me coming back.  But I wanted to see if you have used the Interactive-type of Acrylics; I am new to those and experimenting now.  They dry much slower than acrylics, so can be worked a lot longer and when dry some brands can then be 'unlocked' later and reworked.  I'm liking them ok, but your post has inspired me to try oils now.  Thanks for the post and the inspiration. Kathy

Linda Cooper said:

Hi Morgan,
I am very new to blogs and such butI like your friendly approach so, you have tempted be to respond!
I am so determined to become a good artist but I find the most difficult problem is being too critical of my own work. Maybe that is a good thing as one continues to strive for something better.
I just wonder how many "failures" one does before the masterpiece appears??
I definately love oils and wonder someone didnt advise me to use them a year ago when I started going along to a small art group. They all used acrylics which drives me to despair, even using an extender with them they just dont flow like oils.
I have decide that I love nature and this amazing world we live in so much that I really do want to portray the beauty and different moods of the land and sea scapes and the different seasons.
talk again soon.

Hi Everyone,

I am enjoying myself on this AMAZING site!  Most of all for me, it's connecting with fellow artists at a personal level.  Also a big pat on the back for Richard for starting this site in the first place.

So where do I start...mmmm... Ok, let's start at the very beginning...do re mi fa so la ti...that brings us back to do....

Like that song, my life has brought me back to where it all began.  The day I was born my father went home and draw a picture of a 3 mast sailing ship.  As a kid growing up in South Africa I used to watch my Dad paint.  However, I was probably more entertained by his facial expressions than by his brush strokes!!.  :)))  He went to art school, mastered his preferred mediums of oil and watercolor and painted throughout his life. 

I only discovered that I could draw when I had to produce a poster size drawing of frog's life cycle at age 15. Without any fuss or bother, I just sat down and started to draw like I had seen my father draw.  I surprised myself and my parents too, and from that time onward they encouraged me to draw.  

I immigrated to Australia in 1993, and my last visit to Cape Town was in 2007 just before my father died.  When I left, my father handed over his beloved watercolor paints and brushes to me.  It has been my expression of life's journey ever since.

On a personal level, I don't like too many rules although I am familiar with the bits and pieces that make a good painting.  The most important aspect for me is to paint with freedom and passion. Over time my mistakes will correct themselves. :))

In the meantime, I am very fortunate to have my American husband and my 3 children from a previous marriage, support and encourage me to paint in the peaceful state of Tasmania, Australia.

Just now,  I looked down at the keyboard and smiled to myself.  I leaned back in a chair, rested my feet on a sturdy stool my father made me years ago.  I become aware of how I balance my keyboard on my knees, supported by a painting on masonite board my father did when I was 2 years old.  I feel loved and supported by art and maybe I have finally found my niche in life!!

Hi I just joined...yipee!

I started painting again around a year ago after the 'life got in the way' stage so many of us seem to have been through. I did a years formal fine arts education here in Australia then pressure from the parents..."you'll never make a living from it" resulted in me completely changing course to Social Work!

Recently retired from that area and bought a wholesale fruit and veg business which keeps me pretty flat out around 10hrs a day. Art keeps me sane! :)

My dad was an oil artist and I was fascinated by the magic of watching his work appear from a bare canvas at an early age, and got to use all his left overs after the painting was done.

since starting back painting I have been like a kid in a lolly shop, so many more different 'tools' and resources out there now, I just wanted to do it all at once. I dabbled in oil pastels, pastels and watercolours before settling back into oils, my old favorite! :)

I feel I have soooo much to learn and am constantly excited at each new thing I find. I love being able to exchange ideas, info and help with so many wonderful artists from around the world. I'm open to all new ideas and welcome constructive critiques that help me grow as an artist.

currently learning about the flemish technique and doing a few paintings in that method. Not really into the abstract or surrealist areas, though I have seen some beautiful abstracts on the ID&P site. I lean more to the 'realist' side of life, though I do like my paintings to look like paintings and not photos.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. :D

Welcome Michelle.  You sound a lot like me.  I stumbled on Richard Robinson's site last year while seaching the internet for beautiful paintings.  I have enjoyed the complete artist every since.  I have tried to keep my paintings from looking like photos but I continue to fail at that.  And another problem of my art is that I want to paint just about everything I see.

I am looking forward to you posting some of your oil paintings.  Good luck.  Peni from Sebastian, Florida
Michelle Bone said:

Hi I just joined...yipee!

I started painting again around a year ago after the 'life got in the way' stage so many of us seem to have been through. I did a years formal fine arts education here in Australia then pressure from the parents..."you'll never make a living from it" resulted in me completely changing course to Social Work!

Recently retired from that area and bought a wholesale fruit and veg business which keeps me pretty flat out around 10hrs a day. Art keeps me sane! :)

My dad was an oil artist and I was fascinated by the magic of watching his work appear from a bare canvas at an early age, and got to use all his left overs after the painting was done.

since starting back painting I have been like a kid in a lolly shop, so many more different 'tools' and resources out there now, I just wanted to do it all at once. I dabbled in oil pastels, pastels and watercolours before settling back into oils, my old favorite! :)

I feel I have soooo much to learn and am constantly excited at each new thing I find. I love being able to exchange ideas, info and help with so many wonderful artists from around the world. I'm open to all new ideas and welcome constructive critiques that help me grow as an artist.

currently learning about the flemish technique and doing a few paintings in that method. Not really into the abstract or surrealist areas, though I have seen some beautiful abstracts on the ID&P site. I lean more to the 'realist' side of life, though I do like my paintings to look like paintings and not photos.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. :D

Thanks Peni, I already had a look at your blogspot.....wonderful paintings! Maybe if I'm a good girl and do all my homework I might get to be that good one day :D

Peni Baker said:

Welcome Michelle.  You sound a lot like me.  I stumbled on Richard Robinson's site last year while seaching the internet for beautiful paintings.  I have enjoyed the complete artist every since.  I have tried to keep my paintings from looking like photos but I continue to fail at that.  And another problem of my art is that I want to paint just about everything I see.

I am looking forward to you posting some of your oil paintings.  Good luck.  Peni from Sebastian, Florida
Michelle Bone said:

Hi I just joined...yipee!

I started painting again around a year ago after the 'life got in the way' stage so many of us seem to have been through. I did a years formal fine arts education here in Australia then pressure from the parents..."you'll never make a living from it" resulted in me completely changing course to Social Work!

Recently retired from that area and bought a wholesale fruit and veg business which keeps me pretty flat out around 10hrs a day. Art keeps me sane! :)

My dad was an oil artist and I was fascinated by the magic of watching his work appear from a bare canvas at an early age, and got to use all his left overs after the painting was done.

since starting back painting I have been like a kid in a lolly shop, so many more different 'tools' and resources out there now, I just wanted to do it all at once. I dabbled in oil pastels, pastels and watercolours before settling back into oils, my old favorite! :)

I feel I have soooo much to learn and am constantly excited at each new thing I find. I love being able to exchange ideas, info and help with so many wonderful artists from around the world. I'm open to all new ideas and welcome constructive critiques that help me grow as an artist.

currently learning about the flemish technique and doing a few paintings in that method. Not really into the abstract or surrealist areas, though I have seen some beautiful abstracts on the ID&P site. I lean more to the 'realist' side of life, though I do like my paintings to look like paintings and not photos.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. :D

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