I have a cluttered small art studio and I want to do something.  How have you set up your room so there is a place for everything?  Do you have cabinets?

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I took over one of the bedrooms for my studio so it is small.(10x12 feet)  We took the door off the closet and put in shelves.  I have two tables, one for painting, so it has my easel and paints while the other table is my "planning" area.

I also have two filing cabinet for reference photos, paperwork, etc, a drawer cabinet for my various art supplies such as pens, inks, brushes, paints, mediums.  And a book shelf.

I'm not sure if you have an Ikea store in your area but that is where I got the furniture for my art room.  I also have shelves around the room for my art work.  Plus I also have a floor easel

It is not a very big room and yet it does not feel cluttered as there is a spot for everything.

Hope this helps

I use our office/2nd guest bedroom(hideaway sofa) as my painting area.   My space is  12 x 12.   We already had some shelves that were built into the closet, where I keep frames, mats, painting supplies in bins.  I have a huge easel (which I'm not using) up against the wall with a watercolor desk that sits in front of it.  I use a small easel on top of it.  Next to it I have a 3 tier utility shelf that I clamped a cut-out of a sink to for extra space.  I cut out mats and foam board on a board I place on my little coffee table.  Wish I had a real studio space!  This pic was taken yesterday, my friend Denise Ford, a ceramic artist, stopped here on her way from Laguna Beach to Santa Fe.

This is as clean as it will ever be with all the stuff in the room.  I switch mediums using watercolor, oil and sometimes acrylics depending on how I see the painting.  Too much stuff in such a small room. 

Thank you so much for your ideas.  It is interesting to me to see how everyone sets up their art studios.  I wish I had a big room and have a place for everything.  I have most of my paints in boxes so I have to go searching for the right colors and it takes for ever getting set up. 

I will take a look at IKEA.  Thanks again.  Please share your photos.  I will send my after photo when I get it arranged.


Oh yours is nice and neat Sharon!  Mine is usually a bit neater but Denise had been here three days and everything kind of hectic!  I was trying to get ready to put my work in a gallery today.  Next on my list are some good lights!  Love your sunflowers!!!

Sharon you have the same problem that I have!  I switch between all three mediums too!

I will try to upload some photos of my art room


I'd like to get the drawers for my watercolor paper and matted paintings.  These are a good size, where did you get them Laurena?

The first photo is my "painting area"  while the next one shows the planning area and the drawer cabinet which holds my brushes, inks, watercolours, oils, acrylics....


Yikes, loading the photos is not the easiest thing.  So I 'lost' the first photo, sorry.  i will try again to get some other photos uploaded.

Laurena, right up next to the "Link" on the top bar is the button you use to load an image.

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